covid-19 Economic impact
payments (”stimulus checks”)
Neighborhood Legal Services
of Los Angeles County
What is a Stimulus Check?
A Stimulus Check is money that the gov-
ernment will give to individuals and fami-
lies to help them during the COVID-19
How do I get a Stimulus Check?
If you filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return, you
do not need to do anything. The IRS will
send you the stimulus check.
If you get Social Security Retirement,
Social Security Disability Insurance, or
Railroad Retirement benefits, you do not
need to do anything. The IRS will send you
the stimulus check.
What if I didn’t file taxes in 2018 or 2019
and I earned some income from work?
If you are single and your income is higher
than $12,200, you should file your 2019 tax
return as soon as possible. If you are
married and your income is higher than
$24,400, you should file your 2019 tax
return as soon as possible. The deadline to
file taxes has been extended to July 15,
2020. But, if you can’t file right away, you
can still qualify to get your stimulus check
through December 2020.
If you have very low-income, but you
earned at least $1 from work, you should
think about filing taxes because in addi-
tion to getting the stimulus check you may
also be eligible for additional money
through the Earned Income Tax Credit
What if I didn’t file taxes in 2018 or 2019
because I am very low-income or I
didn’t earn any money?
If you are single with an income below
$12,200 or if you are married with an
income below $24,400 you should use this
free online form to get a Stimulus Check:
Will the IRS call me to ask me any ques-
tions after I file my taxes or fill out the
online form?
No! The IRS will not call you to ask for any
of your personal information or your bank
account. Do not give this information out
to anyone who calls you. This is a scam.
How much stimulus money will I get?
You will get $1,200 if you are single and
earn less than $75,000 before taxes.
You will get $2,400 if you are married and
file jointly and earn less than $150,000.
You will get $1,200 if you file as head of
household and earn less than $112,500.
You will receive a smaller stimulus check or
no stimulus money if you earn more than
these amounts.
Will I receive more money if I have
You will get $500 for every child you claim
as a dependent, if the child is under 17 and
has a social security number. See here
about who you may claim as a dependent:
What do I need to do to get
a stimulus check?
How much money will I get?
How will I get the money?
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will
deposit the money into the bank account
you listed in your 2018 or 2019 tax return,
or the special IRS form. If you did not give
the IRS a bank account, the IRS will mail
you a check to the address you provide.
How will I get the money if I get SSI
Anyone who receives SSI, whether or not
they file tax returns or fill out the IRS form,
will receive $1,200 by the end of April.
But, if you’re on SSI and you have children,
you will not receive your child’s payment
until next year.
If you are on SSI and have children, you
can choose to fill out the new tool to get
money for you and your children:
How will I get the money if I get VA
The government is trying to figure out the
fastest way to automatically get money to
individuals who receive VA benefits. The website will have updates but we
don’t know if they will be able to do this. If
you didn’t file taxes in 2018 or 2019 and
don’t want to wait, you can use the new
tool: https://www.freefilefillable
Do I need a social security number to
get a check?
Yes. If you file jointly with your spouse, you
and your spouse must both have social
security numbers.
Can I apply for my children if I don’t
have a social security number?
No. If you don’t have a social security
number you can’t apply for a stimulus
check for your child. Your adult child may
be able to get a Stimulus Check if they
have a social security number and will not
be a dependent in 2020.
Can I get a stimulus check if I was
claimed as a dependent?
You may get a stimulus check if you will not
be claimed as a dependent in 2020. You
are not considered a dependent if you
earn more than half of your living. See
here to learn about whether or not you are
a dependent:
ita/whom-may-i-claim-as-a-dependent .
I have a family member in jail, are they
Yes. People living in an institution are able
to receive a stimulus check.
Will I have to pay money back if I make
more this year than I did last year?
Will the Stimulus Check reduce my cash
aid, health care or food assistance
No. If you spend the stimulus money within
12 months it will not affect your CalFresh,
SSI, School Meals, Medi-Cal, WIC or Cal-
WORKs benefits.
Will I get less money back from my
taxes in 2020 because I get a stimulus
No. The stimulus check is a tax credit for
2020 that you will get before filing your
taxes for 2020. This will not change your
eligibility for other tax credits when you
file in 2020.
How will I get the money?
Am I eligible to get a stimulus check?
Should I be worried?
I owe child support. Will they take this
out of my check?
Yes. Your tax credit will be taken for your
child support debt and paid to the parent
you owe. The payment will reduce the
amount you owe for child support.
I owe student loans. Will they take this
out of my check?
I owe someone money. Will the IRS give
my stimulus check to them?
No. The IRS will not give your stimulus
money to someone you owe money to for a
debt. The IRS will take money from your
check only if you owe child support.
If you were sued in court and a judge has
ordered you to pay a person or business,
that person or business could take the
money from your bank account (“levy it”).
If your stimulus check is deposited into your
bank account, that person or business
could may be able to get some of your
stimulus money. You can stop that from
happening by asking the IRS to mail the
check to you. It might take longer to get
your check if it is mailed.
What do I do if my Stimulus Check is
taken by my bank and I need the money
for my rent and food?
If your stimulus check was taken by a bank
levy because you owed money to some-
one, you can file a court document to get
the money back. You will fill out these two
forms: (1) Claim of Exemption (form
WG-006 ); and, (2) Financial Statement
(form WG-007 ).
Where can I get help with filing my
If you made less than $69,000 in 2019, you
can file your taxes for free online at:
You can find help in person (after Safe at
Home Orders are lifted) at: https://
What if they send my Stimulus for just
me, but I have a child who lives with
You can go to the IRS website and add a
child to your Stimulus Check. They may
have to send it separately: https://www.
What if I used a tax preparer in 2018
and 2019 to file my taxes and I don't
receive a stimulus check?
Contact the IRS to find out if your check
was sent to your bank account, or to a
different bank account connected to the
tax preparer. The IRS hotline is
1-800-829-1040. If the IRS says the check
was sent or deposited to the wrong bank
account, call legal aid for help.
How do debts or loans affect
my stimulus check?
What if I need help?
(213) 487-7211
For more information about
COVID-19 resources, see here.
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Call (800) 433-6251