215 Falcon Road P.O. Box 204
Minford, OH 45653
740-820-2287 Principals Office Dennis M. Evans, Principal
Joyce ODell, Secretary
740-820-2225 Guidance Office Brent Howard, Counselor
740-820-2466 (FAX) Cheryl Rinehart, Secretary
This handbook is designed to be of assistance to students in the elementary building and to their
parents/guardians. It contains suggestions, rules of conduct, policies and procedures of the school. It
will also give everyone a better understanding of the elementary school. Please go over the contents
of this handbook with your child.
Parents/guardians and visitors are always welcome to come to the school. As in the past,
parents/guardians may stop in to have lunch with their child. We request that these visits not be
excessive (more than 1 time per week) and you should check with the school secretary ahead of time
to see that no special activities are occurring during that time. Lunch and recess are a very
important part of your child’s education as it is a major part of learning to socialize with
others. When adults are present, the child loses the opportunity to engage his/her peers in a
less structured setting. Also, parents/guardians who do visit during lunch are only permitted to
have lunch with their student. Other students will not be permitted to sit with you and your
The 2012 - 2013 school year will begin August 22, 2012 and end May 24, 2013. Students may
report to school at 8:30 A.M. with classes beginning promptly at 9:00 A.M. School dismisses for
student pick up at 3:20 P.M. and buses are loaded at 3:25 P.M. Students are to go directly home
upon dismissal of school unless they have written permission to stay for supervised activities. If the
student is not picked up from school, he/she will be sent home on the bus. The school term may be
altered due to calamity days incurred during the school year. During one hour or two hour delays,
students may arrive at school at 9:30 A.M. for one hour delays and 10:30 A.M. for two hour delays,
with classes beginning at 10:00 and 11:00 respectively.
Minford Elementary School consists of Preschool, Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third grades. We
recognize that children are different and must be accepted as individuals. The educational program of
our school will accept the child where he/she is and meet as nearly as possible the needs, interests,
and abilities of each child.
We believe the following objectives are consistent with our philosophy:
1. Exercise attitudes of good citizenship and community awareness
2. Formulate values for their lives that will lead to continued growth and self-fulfillment
3. To promote the development of adequate communication
4. To develop computational skills
In an effort to provide additional protection and fewer interruptions during educational time for your
child, visitors to Minford Elementary School (PreK - 3) shall report immediately and directly to the
Principals Office upon entering the building. Visitors will sign in with the office stating the
purpose of the visit and arrival time. If approved to go to any other area of the building, the visitor
will be issued a visitors pass and shall wear the pass during the entire visit. Visitors shall return the
pass to the office and sign the time leaving when exiting the building.
BUILDING BETWEEN 9:00 A.M. AND 3:20 P.M. For your childs safety, exterior doors are
locked at 9:00 A.M. and all visitors must enter through the main entrance.
Parents/guardians and other adults who pick students up at the end of the day are urged to not arrive
prior to 3:20 P.M. If arriving prior to 3:20, you must wait in the designated parent/guardian waiting
area outside the building. Parents/guardians and others will not be permitted to stand in the hallway
or wait in the classroom areas until after the 3:20 bell.
With concern for the safety and welfare of your child and school employees, the school feels that it
has become necessary to enforce these measures. Providing a safe environment as well as a quiet
educational setting with as few interruptions and disturbances as possible is our goal. We hope you
understand the need for implementing and enforcing these procedures and ask for your cooperation.
Failure to comply with visitor procedures may result in removal from the building and grounds,
denied permission to enter building and/or legal actions.
1. No unauthorized persons shall trespass, loiter, or remain in any school building of the School
District or on the grounds thereof. Violators will be prosecuted.
2. All persons except those hereinafter described shall upon entering any school building of the
School District report immediately to the office of the Principal and request a visitors permit.
Parents/guardians who are visiting classes are to report to the Principals office and request a
visitors permit.
3. This shall not be applicable to: students enrolled in any such school; students entering any
such building for the purpose of enrollment therein; members of the faculty and staff and
employees of the schools; persons who have been authorized by school authorities to enter
any such building for professional and/or business purposes ; and persons attending events
sponsored by or authorized by school authorities and remaining in the area of the school
building or grounds thereof assigned for such event.
4. No person shall remain in any school building or on the grounds thereof after being
requested to leave the premises by a Principal, teacher, or any person assigned to the duties of
custodian, or member of the administrative staff of the schools.
5. Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of any of the preceding sections shall be
in violation of the rules and regulations of the Board of Education.
6. A copy of these rules and regulations shall be posted conspicuously by the Principal of each
school at or near the entrance to the grounds or premises and at the main entrance of each
school building.
7. The Board of Education prohibits unauthorized persons to trespass on all school areas that are
fenced in or locked during all times when they are not supervised by school personnel (e.g.,
the stadium area; specifically the varsity football field); and that there shall be no use of
unauthorized motor vehicles on school property at any time including wheeled vehicles of any
kind on the track. School playgrounds may be used during daylight hours by persons, as long
as they use the areas designated for play and do not interfere with others or damage school
*Check with the Principals office for building procedures.
When a student is going to be absent from school, the parent/guardian is to notify the school at 820-
2287 before 9:30 A.M. that the student is going to be absent. When the parent/guardian fails to
notify school authorities of a student’s absence, the school will attempt to call the home to determine
why the student is absent. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached by telephone, a letter will be sent
to the parent/guardian stating that the child did not attend school. It is the parent’s/guardian’s
responsibility to notify the school when a child is going to be absent.
Students arriving at school after 9:00 A.M. must report directly to the office to receive a tardy
admittance to class and to be taken off of the absence list. Parents/guardians are to make
arrangements for their child to be in school on time. Excessive tardiness may result in disciplinary
action being taken. Children may be required to make up the missed time.
Students leaving school before 3:20 P.M. must receive office approval before leaving. The early
dismissal form, available in the office, must be taken to the child’s teacher, signed by the teacher and
returned to the office. Parents/guardians, etc. must obtain an early dismissal form from the office
before getting the child. No child will be released to anyone other than those listed on the parent
approved pick up form. Excessive early dismissals may result in disciplinary action being taken.
Children may be required to make up the missed time.
For attendance recognition purposes, students with 0-3 excused absences will be considered for
Excellent attendance recognition.
Recognition will be given as follows:
1 year Excellent attendance Certificate
2 years Excellent attendance Medallion
3 years Excellent attendance Plaque
4 years Excellent attendance - Trophy
Minford Elementary, Middle and High Schools
Board Policy Section 5200
A. Statement for Attendance
It is essential that our children learn good attendance habits. Teachers are responsible for
knowing why their students are not in school.
B. Tardiness
Every effort should be made to make sure that the child gets to school on time. Tardiness is
certainly discouraged; it is not only a poor habit for the child to develop, but it interrupts all
other members of the class. Students who are tardy for class or late for school will report to
the office for a tardy slip. The original is given to the student so that he/she may get into the
class (teachers are not to accept students without a tardy slip). A copy is kept and recorded
by the principals office. Students are permitted ten (10) late or tardy slips per year, but upon
the 11th and all future times that a student is tardy, he/she will spend the equivalent amount
of time in detention or a minimum of 60 minutes. Parent/guardians will be responsible for
transporting their child to school and home after the detention. Parents/guardians will be
notified of excessive tardiness and consequences prior to detention being administered.
C. Attendance Policy for Minford Schools
Working with the Juvenile Court of Scioto County and the attendance laws as established by
the State of Ohio and the Minford Local Board of Education, the following procedures will
be followed: Parents/guardians are to call the school before 9:30 A.M. if the student is to be
absent that day.
Upon returning to school after an absence, the student must bring a WRITTEN NOTE
from his/her parent/guardian stating the reason for such absence according to building
policy. (Written excuses by parent/guardians will be accepted up to a limit of 10 (days) for
the year. Over ten will be considered unexcused absences unless excused by a doctor.)
School work cannot be made up if the absence is unexcused. Vacations during the school
year are not excused absences (Minford Board of Education Policy). According to the Ohio
Revised Code, absence from school is excusable for the following reasons only:
1. Personal illness
2. Illness in the family
3. Quarantine of the home
4. Death of a relative
5. Observance of a religious holiday
D. Report of attendance to the County Attendance Office:
Once a student has accumulated four (4) unexcused days absent, his/her parents/guardians
will receive a notice from the county attendance officer. The notice will advise
parents/guardians concerning compulsory school attendance laws and serve warning
regarding the Scioto Truancy Procedures.
After eight (8) days unexcused absences, the county attendance officer will notify the
Juvenile Court of the offense and will continue making contact with the parents/guardians
involved. Juvenile Court shall require the parents/guardians and their child to appear for a
hearing before the Court Intake Officer or shall notify the parent/guardian by mail of the
consequences of continued truancy. After the accumulation of twelve (12) days of unexcused
absence, the attendance officer will be directed by the principal to file a complaint in Juvenile
Court. Charges will be filed against the child and/or parent/guardian for truancy, unruliness,
failure to attend or failure to send according to appropriate sections of 3321 of the O.R.C.
The child and parent/guardian will then be required to appear before the Juvenile Court for a
plea hearing and further judicial proceedings.
Consequences of such action against the student may include his/her being assigned a
probation officer for supervision. Charges filed against the parent/guardian could result in a
fine or other more serious consequences. Written excuses from the parent/guardian will be
accepted up to a limit of ten (10) days for the year. (Over ten (10) will be considered
unexcused unless excused by a licensed physician.) Any absence over three (3) consecutive
days must be excused by a licensed physician or school nurse. All absence or tardy excuses
are to be turned in at the office or to the teacher according to building procedure.
The Board recognizes that an increasing number of employers arrange their employees vacations at
a time when children may be in school. Consequently, many parents/guardians request that their
child be released from school in order to go on a family vacation. Such absences are unexcused and
the parents’/guardians request may be accommodated by the Principal if:
1. Parents/guardians inform the Principal or Secretary at least a week in advance of the
proposed absence.
2. The absence does not jeopardize the student academically or exceed the maximum absences
allowed to receive academic credit.
3. Parents/guardians will sign a form indicating they will assume responsibility for seeing that
their children will complete their assignments.
If approved by the Principal or Secretary, the student is responsible for contacting his/her teacher at
least three (3) days prior to obtain assignments to be completed during his/her absence. These
assignments shall be accepted by teachers for grading upon the students return to school.
To help insure the safety of children, leaving the school grounds at any time during the day without
being accompanied by parents/guardians and permission from the office is prohibited.
No one shall be permitted to take a child from the school during school hours except by written
permission of the parent/guardian or of the child. Any person picking a child up from school should
be at least 18 years old. Anyone not listed on the student’s emergency form must have written
permission from the student’s parent/guardian to get the child. Picture identification may be
required from individuals taking students from school.
Parents/guardians picking up or leaving off students in the morning, during, or at the end of a school
day are to use designated entrance(s). Drivers are urged to use caution when bringing a child to
school and are not to drive onto the bus unloading/loading areas. The student drop off and pick area
is located on the south side of the building and is identified as such. Parking is located in the lot
across from the drop off/pickup area. The areas along the south side of the building and across the
driveway are no parking areas and are marking by No Parking signage. Do not park in these areas.
School bus transportation is provided for all children. Students are to conduct themselves properly
while riding the bus. The bus driver is responsible for maintaining control of students on the school
bus. Therefore, the driver has the authority to make reasonable requests of the students on his/her
bus. This responsibility and authority is given to the driver according to Section 3319.41 of the Ohio
Revised Code.
Bus transportation rules are as follows:
--Pupils are to arrive at the bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive
--Pupils must wait in a location clear of traffic and back from bus stop
--Behavior at bus stops must not threaten life, limb or property
--Pupils must go directly to an available or assigned seat
--Pupils must remain seated, out of aisles and keep exits clear
--Pupils must obey driver promptly and respectfully and observe conduct rules
--Pupils must not use profanity
--No eating or drinking on the bus, except for approved medical reasons
--Pupils are not permitted to possess or use matches, lighters, knives, sharp or dangerous
objects, tobacco, alcohol, drug products or drug paraphernalia on school property,
except prescription medication which has been approved by the school nurse or
principal and have been registered with the office
--No passing, throwing or transmission of objects on, from or to the bus
--Pupils must keep hands, heads, arms and so forth inside the bus at all times
--Students are not to engage in any unsafe or inappropriate behavior
--Pupils are not to cause damage to the bus or discard items on the bus
--Students are not permitted to ride any bus other than their assigned bus without
permission from the building principal, transportation supervisor or authorized school
Students who violate bus transportation rules are subject to referral to the appropriate building
principal for disciplinary action(s).
Children who walk to school or are transported by their parent/guardians are not to arrive
before 8:30 A.M. or leave prior to 3:20 P.M.
Any child living in the area served by the Minford Local School District is eligible for enrollment in
the Minford Schools. Present law states a child must be enrolled in school if he/she is six years of
age on or before September 30th. A child must be five years of age on or before September 30th in
order to enroll in kindergarten. The presentation of a birth certificate, immunization record, social
security card, proof or residence, and custody papers, if applicable, shall be required of each child
upon admission to the Minford Elementary School.
An emergency contact form for each child is placed in the office. This form has the telephone
number of parents/guardians or other contacts to be called in case of an emergency. The primary
purpose is to instruct the school as to what steps to take should a student become seriously ill or have
an accident. This form is to be filled out by the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher.
To inform parents/guardians of their childs progress, report cards will be sent home after each
nine (9) weeks grading period and conferences will be scheduled four (4) nights per year.
Interim reports will be sent for students having difficulty the fifth week of each nine weeks
period. Many of the staff members report student progress through Progress Book. Parents
wishing make use of Progress Book, should contact Ryan Stockham to gain access to the system.
Students are not permitted to remain for after school activities (Scouts, Cheerleading, etc.) unless they
have written permission from the parent/guardian. A note is to be sent each time the child is to
remain after school for an activity. If the child does not have written permission, he/she will be sent
home on the bus. It is the responsibility of the after school activity advisor to properly supervise the
children, be at the meetings spot at the beginning time of the activity, remain with the students at all
times and keep students in the activity area. Non-school functions such as these are the sole
responsibility of the advisor and they are responsible for the children and any other persons involved
in the activity. To use school facilities for non school related activities, the leader of the group must
secure a building use agreement, provide proof of insurance and follow all school policies and
regulations regarding the use of the facilities. All groups are to remain in the area(s) assigned and not
be in any other area of the building or grounds. Failure to properly supervise, follow school policies
and/or regulations is cause to have permission revoked and access denied to the activity group. No
child will be permitted to remain after school without written parent/guardian permission received
on the day he/she is to remain after school. He/she will be sent home on the bus at 3:22 PM and it
is the parent’s/guardians responsibility to make arrangements for the childs supervision when
arriving home.
Students should not bring items of value from home to school. This includes: toys, audio/video
equipment, jewelry, and so forth. These items may be lost, stolen, broken, etc. and the school
assumes no responsibility for them. These may be a disruption to the educational climate and may be
confiscated by school personnel and kept until the parent/guardian claims it. The item(s) are to be
taken home from school and not brought back. Students are not permitted to bring toys or items
which may be considered to be associated with violence (ie: toy guns, knives, throwing stars, action
figures which are associated with violence and so forth). These will be confiscated and disciplinary
action will be taken. Items which could cause injury to others, such as yo yos, hard baseballs,
softballs, bats, leather or hard surface footballs and so forth are not permitted. Children have been hit
with these types of objects, have been injured and are a danger on school grounds and the bus. We
want to provide a safe area for your child while at school.
Parents/guardians are asked not to send flowers, balloons etc. to children at school since this is
disruptive to the educational process and the items are not allowed to be transported on the school
bus. Any items delivered to school by florist, parents/guardians, and so forth will be kept in the
office and may be picked up by the parent/guardian after 3:10 pm. No classroom deliveries will be
Student supervision begins at 8:30 A.M. in the building or when the child is picked up at his/her bus
stop each day school is in session. Supervision ends when the child is let off at the bus stop after
school or when the child leaves school grounds with the person picking him/her up from school.
The Elementary School dress code has been established to promote pride in personal appearance and
encourage responsible decisions in matter of proper school attire. Any clothing, grooming or
hygiene that is considered disruptive to the educational process will not be permitted.
Brief and Revealing Clothing
Students must recognize that brief and revealing clothing are not appropriate apparel in school. The
following guidelines on brief clothing are examples and do not cover all situations. Students shall not
wear tank tops, halter tops, garments with spaghetti straps, or strapless garments. Garments that are
see through, are cut low, or expose ones midriff are not acceptable. Sleeveless garments must extend
to the end of the shoulders and fit closely under the arm. Skirts must not be shorter than mid thigh.
Sagging Pants
Students shall not wear pants that, when fastened, sag or fit below the waist. All pants must fit
around the waist and be properly fastened.
Students shall not wear hats in the building except for medical or religious purpose.
Vulgar or Offensive Messages
Students shall not wear clothing items that contain messages that are vulgar, offensive, obscene , or
libelous; that denigrate others on the basis or race, color, religion, national creed, national origin,
gender, sexual orientation, or disability; that promote alcohol or drug use or violence; or that
otherwise contrary to the schools educational mission.
Students are encouraged to wear:
Loose fitting, clean, comfortable clothing
Clothing which permits easy use of restroom without adult assistance (difficult to snap pants
or buckles, clothes with zippers in the back, and so forth which young children cannot use
without assistance are discouraged)
Comfortable shoes which are easily cleaned, do not scuff easily and do not have slippery soles
In cold weather children need a coat and hat heavy enough to keep the child warm when
Coats, gloves and so forth marked with child’s name
Your child must have an immunization record as Ohio Law requires that children must be
Minimum Immunization Requirements:
DTaP Kindergarten students will need a 5
DTaP if the 4
dose was given prior to the childs 4
Polio Vaccine Kindergarten students will receive a 4
dose of polio vaccine if the 3
dose was
given prior to the childs 4
2 - MMR vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine (series of 3)
Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine Starting with the kindergarten class of 2010, students will be
required to have administered a 2
dose of Varicella
REMEMBER: Keep your child up-to-date on their Polio, Tetanus, and Diphtheria boosters.
Prescription and Non-Prescription
If your child must take prescription or nonprescription medication at school, a physicians statement
(available from the school) must be completed by the physician before the school may distribute the
medication. The medicine must be brought to school in its original container and left in the nurse’s
Children may purchase lunch in the cafeteria or they may bring a sack lunch. Students are not
permitted to leave school grounds during lunch.
Children are permitted to charge their lunches. A notice will be sent home when a child has charged
a lunch. Excessive and/or habitual charging of breakfast/lunch may result in the loss of charging
Kindergarten is an important part of the elementary unit. Students enroll in kindergarten during the
annual Spring Registration. A successful completion of kindergarten is required before a child may
enter first grade.
Trips to areas of interest may be scheduled by the staff. School buses are used for transportation and
supervision is provided by teachers.
Notes will be sent home explaining the details of the trip and requesting written permission for the
child to attend. These must be returned to the instructor.
Homework provides an opportunity for students to extend their intellectual, emotional, social, and
moral growth. In addition, it also provides practice to reinforce school instruction and expand the
application of knowledge and skills through independent work. Most often, work that students bring
home is work that was assigned as class work. Students who choose not to use their class time
effectively, must take their work home to complete. This work is not considered homework, but
unfinished class work.
To serve as a guide for the amount of homework assigned by teachers, the following homework
times have been established as daily maximums.
Grades K & 1
30 minutes
Grades 2
& 3
45 minutes
*It should be noted that some “projects” may require more than the allotted times and will be
considered acceptable. Also, as stated above, unfinished class work will not be considered part of the
times noted.
Each year school pictures are taken (usually once in the Fall and once in the Spring) and sold to the
students. The pictures are paid for in advance of delivery.
Each student will be photographed regardless of the purchase of the pictures. These pictures will be
included in the student’s file and the school yearbook, which will be offered for sale in the Spring.
It is our policy to work as closely with our parents/guardians as we possibly can. We expect students
to conduct themselves in a proper manner. Most discipline problems can be handled by the
classroom teacher, if this fails, the principal is called into the situation. When a student has refused to
be helped by the teacher and the principal, the childs parents/guardians will be asked to come to
school to help with the problem. Students will be held to the same behavior and discipline
guidelines and measures as during the regular school years, day and times when they are
participating in school related activities, such as before and after school programs, field trips,
summer school, music programs, plays, and so forth.
1. Suspension - The local superintendent or building principal may suspend a student from
school for a period of up to but not more than ten days. The student must be notified of this
in writing and he/she also must be given the opportunity of an informal hearing to challenge
the suspension or otherwise explain his/her actions. If the administrator determines as a
result of the hearing that the pupil should be suspended, then within twenty-four hours of the
suspension, the parent/guardian of the student must be notified in writing.
2. Emergency Removal - The superintendent, principal or assistant principal may remove the
student from curricular or extracurricular activities or from school premises. A teacher may
remove the pupil from curricular or extracurricular activities under his/her supervision but
not from school premises. If a teacher makes an emergency removal, the reasons for the
removal must be submitted to the principal thereafter. A hearing must be held within
seventy-two hours after the removal.
Emergency removal is to be used when a student poses a continuing danger to persons or
property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process either within a classroom or
elsewhere on school premises.
3. Expulsion - An expulsion is any removal of a student of more than ten days duration. Only
the superintendent of schools may expel a student. The superintendent must give written
notice to the pupil and his/her parent/guardian. The notice must include the written reasons
for the intended expulsion and that the pupil and his/her parent/guardian, or representative
has the opportunity to appear before the superintendent or his designee to challenge the
expulsion or explain the pupils action(s). The notice must state the time and place to appear
which must be no later than five days after the notice is given. An extension of time may be
granted if both parties agree and the Superintendent is required to notify the pupil and his/her
parent/guardians, or representative of the new time and place.
As a result of the hearing, the superintendent must give written notification of the decision
and right to appeal to the board of education. The notice must include the written reasons for
the expulsion, the right to be represented in the appeal, and to request the hearing be held in
executive session.
4. Appeal - A student, his/her parent/guardian may appeal a suspension or expulsion to the
board of education. The board may either review the case itself or appoint a hearing officer
to act in its place. The student has the right to representation at the hearing. The meeting
may be held in executive session if both parties agree. Formal action on the appeal may only
be taken in a public meeting. By a majority vote of the board, the order of suspension or
expulsion may be affirmed, the pupil may be reinstated, the action reversed, vacated or
modified. The hearing of appeal before the board must be recorded verbatim. This can be
done by a tape recorder or stenographer. It need not be reduced to writing until an appeal has
been filed in the common pleas court.
Suspension, expulsion, or emergency removal may result from the following prohibited conduct:
1. Disturbing or interfering with normal school activities whether it be curricular or
2. Damage or destruction of school property or private property while on school property.
3. Failure to regard repeated requests, directions, or commands by the principal or certified
teaching staff. These requests must be logical and have a purpose in regard to the
educational process.
4. Failure to accept other forms of discipline which are prescribed by the principal
5. Assault on a school employee, student or other person on the school premises, while in the
custody and control of the school or in the course of a school-related activity.
6. Use of profanity or vulgar language and imposing that on others.
7. Possession of dangerous weapons.
8. Possession or use of narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and other drugs.
9. Misconduct on the bus as this constitutes being on school property and in school custody.
10. Smoking by students.
11. Truancy.
12. Stealing from the school itself or from other students.
13. Other.
H.B. 535 Secs.2925.01 and 2925.37
Prohibits: (1) knowingly possessing, making, selling, offering to sell, or delivering counterfeit
controlled substances; (2) making, possessing, selling, offering to sell, or delivering a marking
device knowing or having reason to know that it will be used to mark a counterfeit controlled
substance; (3) representing a counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled substance by describing
its effects as those associated with a controlled substance; and (4) representing or advertising a
counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled substance.
The act defines a counterfeit controlled substance as (1) a drug that bears or whose container bears an
unauthorized trademark; (2) an unmarked or unlabeled substance represented to be a controlled
substance manufactured, process, packed, or distributed by someone other than the manufacturer,
processor, packer or distributor; (3) a substance represented to be a controlled substance but is not
one or is a different controlled substance; and (4) any substance other than a controlled substance
that a reasonable person would believe to be a controlled substance because of its similarity in shape,
size, and color, or its markings, labeling, or packaging, distribution, or price.
The act establishes criminal penalties for violation and more severe penalties for selling or giving
counterfeit controlled substances to persons under 18.
1.DISRUPTION OF SCHOOL: A student shall not by use of violence, force, coercion, threat,
harassment, insubordination, or repeated failure to comply with school rules, cause disruption or
obstruction to the educational process, including all curricular and extracurricular activities.
2.DAMAGE TO PROPERTY: A student shall not cause or attempt to cause damage to school
property, including building, grounds, equipment, or materials, or to private property on school
premises, or at any school activity on or off school grounds.
3.ASSAULT: A student shall not cause physical injury or behave in such a way which could threaten
to cause physical injury to school staff, other students, or visitors while under the jurisdiction of the
4.DANGEROUS WEAPONS AND INSTRUMENTS: A student, while under the jurisdiction of the
school, shall not possess, handle, transmit, or conceal any object which might be considered a
dangerous weapon or instrument of violence.
possess, use, transmit, conceal, or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, dangerous drug,
narcotic, or mind-altering substance (except as prescribed for the student by a licensed physician).
No student shall be permitted to smoke in any school building.
6.INSUBORDINATION: A student shall not disobey or fail to comply with reasonable directions of
teachers, student teachers, substitute teachers, teacher aides, principals, or any other authorized
school personnel during any period of time when the student is properly under the authority of the
school personnel.
7.VIOLATION OF THE LAW: A student shall not violate any law or ordinance when the student is
properly under the authority of school personnel.
engage in any act which frightens, degrades, profanes, disgraces, or tends to frighten, degrade,
profane, or disgrace any school staff member, other student, or visitor by written, verbal, or by using
9.USE OF INAPPROPRIATE DRESS: A student shall not dress or appear in a fashion deemed
inappropriate because it either (1) interferes with the students health and welfare or that of others, or
(2) causes disruption or directly interferes with the educational process.
10.TRUANCY AND TARDINESS: A student shall not be (truant) absent from school any day or
any portion of a day when attendance is properly required without school authorization and consent
of parent/guardian, guardian, or custodian. A student shall not be tardy (late) to school or to any
class or activity.
It is the policy of the Minford Local Board of Education to provide and maintain a safe, productive,
and educational atmosphere free of behavior which is violent, disruptive, and/or inappropriate and
free of students who exhibit such behavior. Any behavior by a student which is violent, disruptive,
and/or inappropriate is strictly prohibited and will result in student discipline which may include
suspension, expulsion removal from school.This provision shall be applicable during regularly
scheduled school hours as well as at other school-related times and places (e.g., field trips, athletic
functions, class trips, etc.) where school personnel or representatives have jurisdiction over students.
As stated above, the Minford Local Board of Education has zero tolerance for violent, disruptive,
and/or inappropriate behavior. Examples of these offenses, set forth below, are of such nature as to
be prohibited entirely from the educational atmosphere (this is not an all-inclusive list):
1. Possessing, transmitting, concealing, consuming, or offering for sale any alcoholic beverage,
illegal drug, unprescribed drug, look-alike drugs, or mind altering substance. (Disruptive,
2. Committing arson on any piece of building or property. (Violent)
3. Committing or attempting to commit assault and/or sexual assault on a teacher, administrator,
school employee, student, or school visitor. (Violent)
4. Contributing to, or being an accomplice in, another student’s misconduct. (Disruptive)
5. Attempting to cause, or causing, damage to school property or equipment. (Violent)
6. Possessing, handling, transmitting, or concealing any form of dangerous weapon, explosive,
instrument, or chemical. (Violent)
7. Improperly displaying affection to another student, visitor, or school employee.
8. Repeatedly failing to comply with directions of authorized school personnel while under the
authority of school personnel. (Inappropriate, Disruptive)
9. Intentionally causing the substantial and material disruption or destruction of any lawful
mission, process, or function of the school. (Disruptive)
10. Participating in, or initiating, any type of false alarm. (Disruptive)
11. Committing forgery. (Inappropriate)
12. Participating in, or initiating, any form of gambling. (Inappropriate)
13. Initiating, or participating in, any form of hazing or harassment. (Violent, Inappropriate)
14. Dressing or appearing for a school function in improper attire. (Inappropriate, Disruptive)
15. Using foul or obscene language, gestures, or noises, directed toward other students, visitors, or
school personnel. (Inappropriate, Disruptive)
16. Possessing, selling, concealing, disseminating, or otherwise distributing any pornographic
material. (Inappropriate)
17. Using or possessing tobacco products in any form. (Inappropriate)
18. Operating a vehicle in a reckless manner. (Inappropriate, Violent)
19. Attempting to steal, or stealing, any school or private property. (Inappropriate, Violent)
20. Directing any verbal and/or written physical threats toward anyone or anything. (Violent)
21. Trespassing on unauthorized school property or premises. (Inappropriate)
22. Being excessively truant. (Inappropriate)
Legal References: O.R.C. 3313.534; 3313.661
It is the policy of the Minford Board of Education and School District that hazing activities of any
type are inconsistent with the educational process and shall be prohibited at all times. No
administrator, faculty member, or other employee of the school district shall encourage, permit,
condone, or tolerate any hazing activities. No student, including leaders of student organizations,
shall plan, encourage, or engage in any hazing.
Hazing is defined as doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of
initiation into any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing
mental or physical harm to any person. Permission, consent, or assumption of risk by an individual
subjected to hazing does not lessen the prohibition contained in this policy.
Administrators, faculty members, and all other employees of the school district shall be particularly
alert to possible situations, circumstances or events which might include hazing. If hazing or
planned hazing is discovered, involved students shall be informed by the discovering school
employees of the prohibition contained in this policy and shall be required to end all hazing activities
immediately. All hazing incidents shall be reported immediately to the superintendent.
Administrators, faculty members, students, and all other employees who fail to abide by this policy,
may be subject to disciplinary action, and may be liable for civil and criminal penalties in accordance
with Ohio law.
Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation
Harassment, intimidation or bullying behavior by any student/school personnel in the Minford Local
School District is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including
suspension and/or expulsion from school. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying, in accordance with
House Bill 276, mean any intentional written, verbal, graphic or physical acts including
electronically transmitted acts i.e., Internet, cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or wireless
hand-held device, either overt or covert, by a student or group of students toward other
students/school personnel with the intent to harass, intimidate, injure, threaten, ridicule or humiliate.
Such behaviors are prohibited on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-
sponsored activity, on school-provided transportation or at any official school bus stop that a
reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:
Causing mental or physical harm to the other student/school personnel including placing
an individual in reasonable fear of physical harm and/or damaging of students’ personal
property; and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating,
threatening, or abusive educational environment for other student/school personnel.
In accordance with HB 116, (ORC 3316.666) the following is added:
(A) As used in this section:
(1) “Electronic act” means an act committed through the use of a cellular telephone, computer, pager,
personal communication device, or other electronic communication device.
(2) “Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means either of the following:
(a) Any intentional written, verbal, electronic, or physical act that a student has exhibited toward
another particular student more than once and the behavior both:
(i) Causes mental or physical harm to the other student;
(ii) Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or
abusive educational environment for the other student.
Fire drills will be conducted at regular intervals throughout the year.
1. Stay in single file.
2. Move to assigned area orderly and remain quiet.
3. Wait in assigned area until you are told to re-enter the building.
Tornado drills will be conducted at intervals throughout the year.
1. Go to your assigned area.
2. Assume the Tornado Position.
(a) Sit on floor.
(b) Remove glasses.
(c) Place hands behind your head and put your head between your knees.
1. Parents/guardians are encouraged to take an active part in their childs school activities and
the activities of the P.T.O.
2. Programs will be held regularly during the school year.
3. P.T.O. assists in getting acquainted with the teachers, discuss common concerns, hear fine
speakers, and work together to improve the school.
1. When emergency conditions exist that calls for the closing of rural schools, local television &
radio stations will broadcast such bulletins only as issued by the Superintendents of Schools.
These bulletins will be on the air as early as possible when the weather emergency has
developed. The district also utilizes a phone tree system and will send out weather
related school information via the telephone. To ensure that you receive proper
telephone notification, see that your contact information is updated with the school.
2. There will be some mornings when school will be open on a delayed basis. In this
situation, all buses will run routes for which they have been scheduled, but each bus stop
will be delayed accordingly.
Please continue to listen to radio stations, when on a delay because if the weather conditions
become worse, some individual school districts may cancel school for that particular day.
4. If the bus does not travel a certain road due to poor road conditions, then parents/guardians
should make every effort to see their children gets to the main bus route or even bring the
child to school. If a child is transported to school by the parent/guardian in the morning,
arrangements are to be made by the parent/guardian to transport the child home in the
5. If no bulletin is announced by the local radio stations, it is assumed that schools are to be
7. If schools have already opened for the day and a weather emergency occurs during school
hours, emergency closing of schools will be handled by local school officials.
Discipline for students in after school programs:
Students who participate in the after school program are subject to the same rules and regulations of
the school day including the following:
There shall be no cruel, harsh, corporal punishment or any unusual punishments such as, but not
limited to, punching, pinching, shaking, spanking or biting.
No discipline shall be delegated to another child.
No physical restraints shall be used to confine a child by any means other than holding a child for
a short period of time, such as in a protective hug, so the child may regain control.
No child shall be placed in a locked room or confined in an enclosed area such as a closet, a box,
or a similar cubicle.
No child shall be subjected to profane language, threats, derogatory remarks about
himself/herself or his/her family, or other verbal abuse.
Discipline shall not be imposed on a child for failure to eat, failure to sleep, or for toileting
Techniques of discipline shall not humiliate, shame, or frighten a child.
Discipline shall not include withholding food, rest, or toilet use.
Separation, when used as a discipline shall be brief in duration and appropriate to the child’s age
and developmental ability, and the child shall be within sight and hearing of a school-age child
care staff member in a safe, lighted, and well-ventilated space.
The Minford Local School District hereby gives notice that it does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex, and disability in the educational programs and activities operated by
the district.
It is the policy of the Minford Local School District that educational programs are provided without
regard to race, color, national origin, sex, and disability.
No student shall be denied admission to the Minford Local School District or to a particular course
or instructional program, or otherwise discriminated against for reasons of race, color, national
origin, sex and disability.
To carry out these policy statements, persons and offices as identified herein appointed and shall be
responsible for compliance within designated areas:
Civil Rights Coordinator
Title IX (nondiscrimination on the basis of sex)
Title VI (nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin)
Section 504 (nondiscrimination on the basis of disability)
Name: Mr. Mark Wilcheck, Civil Rights Coordinator
Office: Central Office, Minford High School, Minford, Ohio
Phone: (740) 820-3896
Name: Mr. Jeff Pica, Civil Rights Complaint Coordinator
Office: Minford High School
Phone: (740) 820-3445
Any staff member or contractor who applies pesticides on District property shall meet the
requirements of AG 8431A in addition to the requirements established by law.
Written notification shall be provided each year, prior to any pesticide application when school is in
session, to those parent/guardians, adult students and employees requesting prior notification of
scheduled pesticide applications:
A. that a pesticide is to be applied;
B. the type of pesticide and its potential side effects;
C. the location of the application; and
D. the date of the application.
The method and type of prior notification shall be determined by the district.
If circumstances arise that prevent prior notification from being provided, regarding such emergency
application of pesticides to control organisms that pose an immediate health threat, the District shall
provide notice as soon as possible. In addition to the information specified above, the notice shall
provide the reasons why advance notice was not provided.