Main Office Number 740-850-3445
Guidance Office 740-820-4923
Athletics 740-820-2216
Food Services 740-820-5131
Transportation 740-820-8237
High School Fax 740-820-4484
2019-2020 School Calendar
Bell Schedules
School Admin / Mission / Admission / Student Attendance
Part 1: General Student Operations
Book Bags
Decorations and Posters
Food Services
End of School Day
Holding Grades
Deliveries to School
Locker Regulations
Lost and Found
Lunch Guidelines
Passes and Notes
Safety Drills
Fire Alarms
Tornado Drills
Student Workers/Comm. Service
Surveillance Cameras
Study Hall
Wireless Communications
Work Permits
Part 2: Student Attendance
Attendance Policy
Unexcused Absence
Course Credit
Absence Reporting
Admit to Class After Absence
Extracurricular Participation
Early Dismissal
Career Day Request
Family Vacations
Part 3: Academic & Graduation Information
Grading Scale
Report Cards
Progress Book
Graduation Requirements
Exam Retakes
Graduation Points
Flexibility for Students
Graduation Commencement
Graduation Attire
Part 4: Student Activities
Non-school Clubs
Student Attendance at Events
Homecoming Procedure
Part 5: Student Conduct
Falcon Pride
Dress and Grooming
Care of Property
Zero Tolerance
Student Discipline Code
Forms of Discipline
In-School Suspension
Formal Discipline
Due Process Rights
Suspension from School
Emergency Removal
Expulsion from School
Permanent Exclusion
Bus Suspension
Search and Seizure
Interrogation of Students
Part 6: Transportation
Bus Conduct
Cameras on Buses
Penalties for Infractions
Private Vehicle
Self Transportation
Part 7: Athletic Code of Conduct
Statement of Philosophy
Code of Conduct
Part 8: Academic Dishonesty Policy
Forms of Academic Honesty
Forms of Academic Dishonesty
Procedures and Consequences
MHS Social Media Accounts
Bell Schedules
Regular Bell Schedule
2 Hour Delay Schedule
Same - no changes
1 Hour Early Release Schedule
Same - No changes
2 Hour Early Release Schedule
Same - no changes
Collaborative Day Schedule
It is my privilege to welcome you back to the 2021-20220 school year. Your personal copy of the Student/Parent Handbook
contains information and guidelines intended to assist you in the successful completion of academic and co-curricular
requirements. I wish each and every student success throughout the school year.
Mr. Jeff Pica
The mission of the Minford Local School District is to produce well-balanced graduates who are productive citizens with high
moral character, striving toward lifelong learning goals.
Non-resident pupils of the Minford Local School District may attend the Minford Schools via open enrollment, or other approved
situations. District open enrollment policies are revisited by the Board of Education each year and can be accessed in the district’s
central office. All resident students who have not been excused from attending a public school shall attend Minford Local Schools.
Athletic releases will be considered on an individual basis by the Minford Board of Education. No student may leave the school
system and attend another school system, then return at the end of the year just to graduate with the class; if the student turns 18,
he or she must prove they are self-supporting and not living with their parents. It is then it is up to the discretion of the
It shall be the philosophy of the school that it is a privilege for students to attend school. Any unnecessary or persistent conduct
which is detrimental to the welfare of school property, employees, teachers, or other students shall be reason for forfeiting this
Book bags, duffle bags, handbags, backpacks and the like are allowed but are subject to inspection by teachers and administration
at any time.
Please refer to the acceptable use and internet safety policy published by the Minford Local School technology department and
distributed separately from this document. Prior to accessing the Minford Computer Network, a student must have an Acceptable
Use Agreement on file.
Deliveries to school for students are not encouraged but are accepted. The school will take no responsibility in delivering the items
to the student. Balloons and large floral arrangements will not be allowed on the bus; therefore, arrangements for transportation
must be made if such a delivery is made to a student. Food larger than an amount that would normally feed one person will not be
delivered to any students.
All decorations and/or posters used for activities, fundraisers, school programs, and other various school functions must be
approved by the building administration. Only approved wall adhesives may be used. No glitter is to be used at any time.
All students shall leave the building by 2:32 p.m. unless staying for an activity under direct faculty supervision. Students should
stay in the immediate area of the activity and not be in other parts of the building. Students who are out of area and unsupervised
may be told to leave the building and school property and may be subject to disciplinary action.
Many courses are assigned a course fee. A list of these fees is made available to the students at the start of the school year. All fees
must be paid by the end of the school year. If a student qualifies for free lunch, then a waiver must be obtained for the current
school year by filling out the free lunch form and the Sharing Information Form.
It is the policy of Minford Local School Cafeteria to provide a healthy meal for all students. Free and reduced priced meal forms
are sent home with each student the first day of school, and are available for those students who qualify throughout the school
year. You may ask for a meal form at the office or cafeteria. If you have questions regarding free and reduced price meal forms
you may call Sharon Hardyman at 740-820-5793 or email shardyman@minfordfalcons.net.
If a student is not eligible for free meals the student/parent is responsible to pay for meals. Menus and meal prices are posted in
the cafeteria and on the school web page. Money can be paid by check, cash, or online at paypams.com, you will need the student
ID number. Our procedure is to allow charges up to 10 lunch meals and 3 breakfast meals or the amount equal to this. No charges
allowed for individual, ala cart items. Low balance and negative balance calls are automatically made on Mondays each week.
Charge letters are mailed home when negative balances reach $8-$10. Food service director will make calls to parents regarding
balance as necessary. If balances continue to rise, calls continue to be made and more letters are mailed, after a $20 negative
balance has been reached the food service director will notify building principals for assistance in this matter.
Any unpaid balance will be considered delinquent debt and will need to be paid as soon as possible by the parent. We will
continue to send letters and make phone calls to parents.
Please send payment and help Minford Local School cafeteria maintain the financial integrity of the nonprofit school food service
This policy is provided in writing to students, in student hand book, on the school web page, to all school food service staff,
principals, social workers, school nurse, homeless liaison, and other staff members who may assist students in need.
Minford Local School is an equal opportunity provider.
Student Full
Student Reduced
To be filled in upon receipt
of new pricing
Meals may be purchased with cash or check at the cashier stand or by an automated prepaid account. All students must enter their
ID number at the time of purchase. Charges will only be permitted on an emergency basis. Once a student has accumulated more
than the equivalent of ten lunches and three breakfasts in late charges, the student will not be permitted to charge, but will be given
an alternative meal.
Prepaid Meals
Each student is assigned a meal account accessed by the student’s identification number. The total dollar amount of the food
selected each day is deducted from the account upon entering the ID# at the cashiers stand. Parents may pay for student meals in
a variety of ways. Students may bring in cash or check to prepay for meals and present those to the cashier during breakfast or
lunch. Parents may also pay for meals by creating an account at www.paypams.com using their student’s identification number.
Once logged on to paypams.com, parents not only can pay for meals, but they can also view their student's account and track food
Free and Reduced Pricing
Forms to determine qualification for the Free and Reduced-price Lunch Program are sent home with each student at the beginning
of the school year. Forms can also be picked up in the High School office at any time. Parents must reapply each year for the Free
and Reduced Lunch Program. If your child receives free or reduced lunch, the computerized cashier's station protects
School officials are granted authority by the Board of Education to hold grades and records until disciplinary obligations are
completed and financial obligations are paid. Principals have the authority to waive fees in cases of needy students. Fee waivers
are based upon completion of free and reduced lunch forms.
Any injury sustained at school or on school grounds should be reported to a teacher, coach, or the office immediately. Students
having an accident on school property which requires attention from the school nurse or authorized medical personnel are to have
a “Student Injury/Accident Report” form filled out completely and accurately by the teacher in charge of the area and turned into
the principal’s office on the date the accident occurs.
1. Students must use the lockers that they have been assigned unless they have received permission from the office to
2. Students are responsible for their assigned locker.
3. Lockers are school property and students are responsible for any damage due to mistreatment.
4. To avoid theft, lockers should be kept locked. If articles are taken and the locker is not locked, it is the student’s fault.
5. Students are required to keep lockers clean at all times.
6. Lockers are school property; as such, the Principal and Asst. Principal are entrusted by the Board of Education to conduct
a locker search when they deem necessary for the safety and well-being of the school and the community. There is no
expectation of privacy.
7. Locking mechanisms are not to be tampered with or “rigged” so they will not lock when closed.
All articles found should be taken to the school office. Students who have lost an article should go to the office immediately
before or after school to ask about their property. Items will remain in the lost and found until the end of the 9 weeks. Any item
that is not retrieved will be donated to charity.
To provide the efficient use of the auditeria, students must observe the following rules:
1. When the bell rings for lunch do not loiter at the lockers or in the restrooms.
2. Never step in front of a person already in line.
3. Meals can be paid for in advance.
4. Students should not throw food or utensils.
5. Upon finishing lunch, throw away all trays and garbage.
6. Do not leave items on the table.
7. Do not make loud noises or create unnecessary confusion.
8. Do not take food or drinks out of the auditeria.
9. Students are to use the restrooms closest to the auditeria.
10. Students are not permitted to have food delivered from area restaurants.
11. Students are to stay in the auditeria until the lunch period is over.
12. School personnel in the auditeria have full authority to enforce all auditeria rules.
13. Outside food is to be consumed by the student only. Food may not be provided to other students.
14. Failure to follow the lunch guidelines may result in disciplinary actions.
Parents are requested to administer all prescription and non-prescription drugs at home. If your child must take prescription or
non-prescription medicine (aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc) during the school day, Ohio Revised Code and Minford Board
of Education Policy requires the following steps MUST be followed:
1.) The medication should be brought to the school by the parent/guardian and should be in the original container with the
prescription information and student name on the label. Medicine will be stored in the office. NO student should possess any
medication on school property.Students found to have such medications in their possession may be subject to disciplinary actions.
2.) Parent or guardian must sign a release allowing the medication to be taken at school. The physician prescribing the
medication must also sign an Administration of Medication form provided by the school even if the medication is an
over-the-counter-drug. No school personnel will administer medication unless the request form is completed and signed by a
The Minford Local School District hereby gives notice that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex
and disability in the educational programs and activities operated by the district. It is the policy of the Minford Local School
District that educational programs and activities are provided without regard to race, color, national origin, sex and disability. No
student shall be denied admission to the Minford Local School District or to a particular course or instructional program or
otherwise discriminated against for reasons of race, color, national origin, sex and disability.
To carry out these policy statements, persons and offices as identified herein are hereby appointed and shall be responsible for
compliance within designated areas;
Civil Rights Complaint Coordinator:
Title IX (non-discrimination on the basis of sex)
Title VI (non-discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin)
Section 504 non-discrimination on the basis of disability)
Name: Jeremy Litteral, Superintendent
Office: Minford Local Schools Minford, Ohio
Telephone Number: (740) 820-3896
Questions or requests for information should be directed to the Civil Rights Coordinator.
Students must display their pass, having gained permission from their teacher and signed out of class, if they are in the hallway or
out of their assigned area. Any student found in an unauthorized area may receive disciplinary action. Stolen passes, forged passes,
fake phone calls, or fake notes may result in disciplinary action. Students must obtain a prior written note from the receiving
classroom teacher before they are permitted to leave their scheduled class. All notes must be dated and signed.
Safety drills are completed annually. During a drill, students are to stay calm and follow the directive of the teacher in charge of
the area. Students that are in an unsupervised area when a safety drill starts are to report to the closest classroom and complete the
drill by following the directions of that classroom teacher.
Fire Alarms
All students and teachers should familiarize themselves with the evacuation plan for every room in which they have class. When
the fire alarm sounds, wait and listen for the verbal confirmation, leave all books, etc. and exit the building. Do not stop at lockers
or classrooms. Safety should not be sacrificed for speed. An “all clear” will be indicated by the administration for a safe return to
the building. Fake alarms- the act of imitating a fire alarm or imitating a report warning of a fire or an impending bombing could
and most likely will lead to the disciplinary action upon and/or prosecution of all individuals involved in making the false alarm.
Tornado Drills
Tornado drills will be signaled by a continuous tone and when possible a P.A. announcement. Students are to stay with their group
and go directly to their designated area as directed by the teacher/ staff member leading the group. Students will return to their
original location only when directed to do so by the school officials in charge.
Lockdowns/Shelter-in place/Active Shooter Drill
By way of the P.A. system, the principal or asst. principal will notify all staff and students of the situation that is taking place. Staff
and students are to follow the guidelines provided in the Minford High School Emergency Action Plan. The Emergency Action
Plan is accessible in each classroom throughout the high school.
Any student who is involved in the student work or community service program must sign in and out of the building at the main
office. Students are not permitted to sign other students in or out. Students are only permitted to enter and exit the building at the
school’s main entryway. Students must go directly to and from their assignment with no extra stops at different locations in
between. Students who return to the high school prior to their next scheduled period must remain in the office until their next
scheduled class time. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary actions and/or removal from the program.
Students are duly informed that their behavior on school property and /or adjacent property may be monitored by security
cameras. This can be used for disciplinary proceedings.
Students are required to bring reading and writing materials to their study hall for use during that period. Teachers have the right to
assign work to those students who do not bring materials. Disciplinary action may be taken by the instructor if the student refuses
to bring materials or do the assigned work. It is the student’s responsibility to follow each study hall teachers rules even if they
vary from one period to another.
Students are responsible for all of their assigned textbooks. All textbooks lost are the financial responsibility of the student. Please
make use of your lockers lock system so textbooks are properly stored and the loss/theft of textbooks is minimized.
Minford High School is a “1 to 1” school, which means every classroom has enough laptop computers for students to use for
necessary and legitimate academic purposes. Therefore, use and possession of personal communication devices (cell phones,
tablets, etc.) is strictly prohibited during school hours.
Students will follow these guidelines for their personal communication devices:
1. Upon arrival at school, students will place their personal communication devices in their lockers and make certain the
locker is locked.
2. Students understand they should arrive at school at such a time that gives them the opportunity to store their devices
without being tardy to 1st period.
3. The school takes no responsibility for the safety and/or storing of devices.
Violations of the Use of Personal Communication Devices will result in disciplinary actions:
1st Offense - Device confiscated. Parent must come to school to get the device.
2nd Offense - Device confiscated. One (1) 1-hour after school detention.
3rd Offense - Device confiscated. One (1) day of ISS
4th Offense - Device confiscated. Two (2) days of ISS.
5th Offense - Device confiscated. Administrative discretion up to and including OSS.
“Sexting” is prohibited at any time on school property or at school functions. Sexting is the electronic transmission of sexual
messages or pictures, usually through cell phone text messaging. Such conduct not only is potentially dangerous for the involved
students, but can lead to unwanted exposure of the messages and images to others, and could result in criminal violations related
to the transmission or possession of child pornography. Such conduct will be subject to discipline and possible confiscation of the
wireless device.
All visitors must report to the office as soon as they enter the building and sign in on the appropriate form. No student is permitted
to bring a visitor unless it is approved by the Principal in advance. The visitors must be of high school age. The Principal must
have permission, in writing, from the student’s parent. Students may not meet with a visitor until that visitor has signed in at the
office and stated their business. If office personnel deem it necessary, then the student(s) will be called to the office.
Students must obtain work permits for underage employment outside of the school system. Work permit applications can be
picked up in the guidance office. Upon presenting a fully completed document, it will then be submitted to the Superintendent’s
office for a signature.
Students are required by law to be in school every day. Absences are either excused or unexcused. Students are to bring a signed
and dated note from his/her parent/legal guardian stating an acceptable reason for his/her absence. Students are limited to five (5)
parent notes per semester. Exceptions to this policy may exist and will be determined on a case by case basis by the building
administrators. After the student has exceeded the five (5) parent notes per semester, all subsequent days absences will be
considered unexcused unless excused by a licensed physician. School work cannot be made up if the absence is unexcused.
According to the Ohio State Code, absences from school are excusable and work can be made up for the following reasons:
1. Personal Illness
2. Illness in the family
3. Quarantine of the home
4. Death of a relative - If 5 parent notes have been used to this point, the principal may excuse the student to attend the
5. Observance of a religious holiday
6. College, military, enrichment activity or career day – must be pre-approved
7. Medical or dental appointment - written statement from physician or dentist required
8. Court appearance - court documentation required (parent note will not be accepted)
9. Necessary work at home due to absence or incapacity of parents(s)/guardian(s)
10. Out-of-state travel - 24 hours per school year that the student’s school is open for instruction to participate in a
district-approved enrichment or extracurricular activity. If the student will be absent for 24 or more consecutive hours that
the student’s school is open for instruction, a classroom teacher shall accompany the student during the travel period to
provide the student with instructional assistance.
11. Such good cause as deemed acceptable to the Superintendent
12. Emergency or other set of circumstances – approved by the Principal
Unexcused absences include days missed due to truancy, suspension, expulsion, failure to provide verification for absence, or days
exceeding parent/legal guardian notes. Any classwork, assignment, or test that is missed do to an unexcused absence will result in
a zero in the teachers gradebook. Students will be given the opportunity to complete the work missed; however, no grade will be
given. Excessive unexcused absences will result in the following administrative actions:
6 hrs Unexcused Warning
12 hrs Unexcused Warning and message to parent/guardian
18 hrs Unexcused One (1) After School Detention
24 hrs Unexcused One (1) Day of ISS
30 hrs Unexcused Two (2) Days of ISS
36 hrs Unexcused+ Administrative Discretion
The Following language comes directly from Ohio House Bill 410 that school districts must implement for the 2018-2019 school year.
Reporting to the County Truant Officers
1 MHS School Day = 6 Hours
30 or more unexcused consecutive hours = 4 days and 2 hours
42 or more unexcused consecutive hours = 6 days
72 or more unexcused consecutive hours = 10 days and 2 hours
School Notification to Parents
School will notify parents of student absences with or without excuse of
38+ hours in a month = 5 days and 3 hours
65+ hours in a year = 9 days and 2 hours
within 7 days of the absence that triggered the notice.
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Drivers license can be suspended for unexcused absences of 60+ hours in a month or 90+ hours in a year.
Absence Intervention Team
Formed upon designating student as habitual truant
Team members must include:
1. School representative
2. County truant officer
3. Parent/guardian(s)
If a student violates the terms of the plan set forth by the Absence Intervention Team, then the county truant officer may file a
charge with the Scioto County Juvenile Court.
The loss of instructional time is the important issue in determining whether a student will receive credit for a class. Test scores
may reflect a passing grade but the student could still fail to receive credit due to the loss of instructional time caused by excessive
To receive credit for a full-year class, students must not miss more than 25 periods of classroom instruction – excused and
To receive credit for a semester class, students must not miss more than 13 periods of classroom instruction – excused and
A student must be present in class for a minimum of 24 minutes of instructional time or half of the class period to be
considered present for that class period.
If a student exceeds the threshold to lose credit, he/she may appeal to the Attendance Committee one time during his/her
high school career. The committee may deny the appeal or present other options for the student to gain credit. Options
may include, but are not limited to, coming to school for additional time or completing additional assignments.
Parents/Guardians are required to telephone the school office if their son/daughter is unable to attend school. The call should be
made before 9:30 a.m. the day of the absence. The high school number is 820-3445.
The absentee, upon returning to school, is required to bring a note from his/her parents stating the reason for the absence. The note
should be brought to the office before 1
period and given to the office personnel to obtain an excused/unexcused slip. This slip is
to be presented to each teacher that day. Any student that does not provide a valid excuse for his/her absence must still obtain an
absence slip. If a valid excuse is presented on the following day, the absence will be changed to excused; however, one day of
grace is all that is given. An absence of over three (3) days duration must be excused by a doctors statement. An absence which is
not judged excused is a serious offense. Truancy is considered an unexcused absence. Since truancy is a violation of Ohio State
Law, it will be punished according to the building disciplinary code. This may result in detention, suspension, or referral to
juvenile court. A student who receives an unexcused absence slip will receive an incomplete in the grade book until the work has
been completed to the satisfaction of the teacher involved. Generally, the amount of time given to make up work will be equal to
the length of time missed.
A student will be counted as tardy if they arrive between 7:35 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Students who are tardy should report to the
office immediately upon arrival. After two (2) tardies per nine weeks, discipline will be administered as follows:
1st Unexcused Tardy = Warning
2nd Unexcused Tardy = Warning and message to parent/guardian(s)
3rd Unexcused Tardy = One (1) 1-hour After School Detention
4th Unexcused Tardy = One (1) days of ISS
5th Unexcused Tardy = Two (2) days of ISS
1. In order for a student to participate in an extra-curricular event, the student must be present at school for at least one-half
of the day.
2. When a student reports to school after 8:00 a.m. and before 11:00 am, he/she will be counted 1/2 day absent.
3. If a student obtains any early dismissal and leaves school after 11:00 a.m. and prior to 2:05, he/she will be counted 1/2 day
4. If a student does not attend one-half of a day on the school day before a weekend event, then the student is ineligible to
5. 5. If a student produces a doctor or court note for that day, then the principal or assistant principal may give permission for
the athlete to participate.
To obtain an early dismissal a student must bring a written note signed by the parent/guardian with a telephone number where the
parent can be reached. In an emergency parents/guardians or those who are listed on the student’s emergency medical form may
pick up the student without prior written notice. A release will be signed by the individual picking the student up. An eighteen
year old will follow this same policy. When receiving the pass to leave, the student is responsible for presenting the pass to those
teachers whose classes will be missed. These absences will be marked excused/unexcused as with regular absences from school.
Upon returning to school, the student must present a valid parent note or doctor excuse to validate the early release.
College, military, enrichment activity and career day request forms must be obtained from the guidance counselor at least 5 days
prior to the visit. A senior is permitted three (3) visits. A junior may be permitted one (1) visit. Enrichment activities are
considered an extension of the academic program and therefore are not limited. The form must be signed by the parent and college
admissions office and returned to the high school office prior to the scheduled outing. No visits will be allowed if a student has
missed more than ten days of excused and/or unexcused absences. Additional visits may be granted at the discretion of the
administration and/or guidance counselor.
Board Policy addresses vacation days for students. Such an absence is unexcused and the parents’ request may be accommodated
by the Principal if:
1. The parent informs the Principal or Assistant Principal at least one week in advance of the proposed absence.
2. The absence does not jeopardize the student academically or exceed the maximum absences allowed to receive academic
3. The parents will sign a form indicating they will assume responsibility for seeing that their children will complete their
If approved by the Principal or Assistant Principal, the student is responsible for contacting his/her teachers at least three (3) days
prior to obtain assignments to be completed during his/her absence. These assignments shall be accepted by teachers for grading
upon the student’s return to school.
Minford High School offers every student the opportunity to receive an academic background, which will enable all students to
fulfill their individual educational and vocational plans for the future. Students at Minford High School shall be afforded the same
opportunities for an education regardless of handicap, race, sex, and family or marital status. Any complaint shall be brought to
the attention of the administration.
For complete academic information, please refer to the Minford High School Registration Manual at
http://www.minford.k12.oh.us/GuidanceDepartment.aspx or pick up a copy from the high school office.
Nine weeks grades are calculated by individual teachers using the following scales:
A = 93 - 100 3.5 - 4.00
B = 84 - 92 2.5 - 3.49
C = 70 - 83 1.5 - 2.49
D = 60 - 69 0.6 - 1.49
F = 0 - 59 0.0 - .059
The course grade average will be determined by the above scale. However, grades are only one basis for determining whether a
student passes or fails a grading period. Other criteria may include attendance, behavior, participation, etc. Students must receive
a passing grade on two of the three final grades in order to receive credit for a course.
Report cards are completed by computer in the guidance office. Students are responsible for taking their grade cards home at the
end of each grading period. The report cards do not need to be signed or returned. Report cards will be handed out on the
following Friday after the reporting period ends. Parents should utilize our Progress Book, which is an online grade book that can
be accessed at any time to monitor the student’s academic progress.
Parents may track the academic progress of their students by obtaining a Progress Book log-in from the Guidance Office.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS for Classes 2018 & Beyond
In addition to course credits listed above, students will earn points toward graduation on seven end-of-course exams. These exams
will replace the Ohio Graduation Tests. The courses in which students take an end-of-course exam will be: English I and II,
Algebra I or Integrated Math I, Geometry or Integrated Math II, Physical Science or Biology, American History and American
Students can earn from 1-5 points for each exam, based on their performance.
5 – Advanced 4 – Accelerated 3 – Proficient 2 – Basic 1 – Limited
Students who take Physical Science, American History or American Government as part of Advanced Placement, International
Baccalaureate, and college dual credit or Credit Flexibility programs can use their scores from the programs’ end-of-course exams
in place of the state end-of-course exam scores to accumulate graduation points. A student who earned high school credit in any of
the above courses before July 1, 2015 and a required end-of-course exam was not available automatically will receive a score of
three points per course exam toward the total points needed for graduation. Middle school students this year who take one of these
courses for high school credit must take the corresponding state end-of-course exam in this school year.
Exam Retakes
Students that score below proficient on an exam may retake it after they receive some extra help on the material. Students that
score proficient or higher on an end of course exam can retake exams only if, once they take all the exams, they have not met the
minimum graduation points to graduate. In this case, a student can retake any exam after receiving some extra help on the
material. The same rules apply to substitute exams, which may be used interchangeably with approved tests.
Graduation Points
With few exceptions, students must accumulate a minimum of 18 points from scores on their end of course exams to become
eligible for a diploma.
More Flexibility for Students and Families
Students who do not earn the required number of graduation points can still meet the requirements for a diploma if they earn a
remediation-free score on a national college admission test. This assessment will be given to students free of charge in the fall of
their junior year starting with the graduating class of 2018. Students also can qualify for graduation by earning an approved
industry-recognized credential and achieving a workforce-readiness score on a related job skills assessment. The selection of those
assessments is in progress.
*Graduation requirements information taken from Ohio Department of Education
Seniors will not be allowed to participate in Commencement exercises if they:
1. Do not follow the guidelines established by the Senior Advisors and Administration
2. Do not meet all course requirements
3. Participate in severe disciplinary infractions which merit expulsion
4. Do not have the recommendation of the high school principal
5. Do not participate in graduation practice
6. Has not obtained the minimum number of graduation points on the Ohio End-of-Course Exams.
Note: Transcripts and Diploma will be held until the student has met all financial obligations accumulated from all four years of
The Graduation Ceremony is a privilege accorded by the Minford Local School District, it is not a right provided as part of Ohio’s
Educational Program. The Administration may remove any Senior from the Graduation Ceremony for misbehavior. The
misbehavior must be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Graduation practice is required of all students planning to participate in the ceremony. All special circumstances must be cleared
by the advisors and the Administration prior to graduation practice. The class picture will be taken at graduation practice.
Students must bring their cap and gown for the picture. All students are required to wear the cap and gown for the picture.
Students will not be allowed in the picture without the cap and gown.
Any student who owes fees from the previous three years as well as the present year or needs to return items must do so no later
than the date designated by the advisors on the handout given to the students. GRADES AND CREDITS WILL BE HELD
It is the responsibility of the graduates to report to the designated area no later than one-half hour before the ceremony.
Individual graduation pictures are optional. They must be paid for a week before the ceremony.
1. Ladies will wear light colored dresses or a full slip under their gowns. Dark colors will show through the white gowns.
2. Gentlemen will wear dress pants, dress shirt, and a tie. The tie is optional.
3. Appropriate shoes are to be worn at the ceremony.
4. Any clothing, grooming, or hygiene that is considered disruptive to the graduation ceremony will not be permitted.
5. Students will not be allowed to go through the ceremony until the problem is corrected. If it is not corrected the student
will be instructed to sit with their parents or leave.
6. No items are to be worn that would detract from the ceremony. The administration will make the final determination on
any situation pertaining to the ceremony.
7. Excessive chains are not to be worn.
8. Decals, embroidered items and other attachments to clothing that are suggestive, ridicule individuals, or are in poor taste,
are not to be worn. Students will be allowed to choose a person of the opposite sex to march with, before graduation
practice. If a partner is not chosen, the advisors will assign a partner at practice for the ceremony. Because the number of
males and females vary in a graduating class, some members of the same sex will be required to walk together in the
Students are encouraged to participate in sports, organizations, and activities that are offered at Minford High School. Students
who participate are expected to serve as M.H.S. representatives to the public; therefore, their behavior must set a good example,
both in school and out for their fellow students and the community.
Student clubs, groups, or other student organizations may not schedule meetings without prior consent of the activity sponsor or
principal. The sponsor is directly responsible for the conduct of all students participating in the student activity under his/her
All students are permitted to participate in the activities of their choosing, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.
Participation in these activities is a privilege and not a right, and students may be prohibited from all or part of their participation
in such activities by authorized school personnel without further notice, hearing and/or appeal rights in accordance with Board
Policy 5610.05.
Non-school-sponsored student groups may meet in the school building during non-instructional hours. The application for
permission to use school facilities can be obtained from the Principal. The applicant must verify that the activity is being initiated
by students, that attendance is voluntary, that no school staff person is actively involved in the event, that the event will not
interfere with school activities, and that non-school persons do not play a regular role in the meeting. All school rules relating to
student conduct and equal opportunity to participate apply to such activities.
Membership in any fraternity, sorority, or other secret society as prescribed by law is not permitted. All groups must comply with
School rules and must provide equal opportunity to participate.
No non-district-sponsored organization may use the name of the school or school mascot on any materials or information.
Students are encouraged to attend as many after school events as possible, without interfering with their school work and home
activities. Enthusiastic spectators help to build school spirit and encourage those students participating in the event. While in
attendance at after school events students must comply with the student code of conduct.
The Board is not responsible for supervising unaccompanied students nor will it be responsible for students who arrive without an
adult chaperone.
Queen and Attendants
1. All candidates for Homecoming Queen and Attendants must be female.
2. Each freshman, sophomore, and junior home room will nominate one candidate to vie for attendant.
3. All nominees will be listed alphabetically on paper ballots (remove) and voted on by the entire class in which the
candidate is a member. The candidate receiving the most votes will be the winner.
4. All full time vocational students will meet as a separate unit to nominate candidates to represent the Vocational school.
This girl may be either a junior or senior. The candidates will be placed in alphabetical order on paper ballots and voted
upon by the vocational students only. The girl receiving the most votes will be the vocational attendant.
5. All seniors, including the senior vocational students, will meet as one group to nominate candidates from the senior class
to vie for queen. If more than five candidates are nominated from the floor, the senior class will vote by secret ballot.
Each student may vote for only one candidate. The five girls receiving the most votes will compete for Homecoming
6. If the vocational attendant would be nominated and selected as homecoming queen then the vocational student that
received the next highest vote total will be the vocational attendant. The vocational attendant may not be the senior
attendant. The vocational attendant may vie for queen only.
7. Post-secondary students must be present to be nominated. It is the responsibility of post-secondary students to be aware
of nomination/voting dates and times. Homecoming information will be posted on the school website and at the school
8. The entire student body, including the vocational school, will vote on the five seniors competing for queen. The girl
receiving the most votes will be the queen. The girls receiving the second and third most votes will be the senior
attendants. If the girl receiving the second most votes is the girl selected as vocational attendant, that individual will be
the vocational attendant in the homecoming court. The senior that receives the third highest votes in this situation will be
the senior attendant.
9. No freshman, sophomore, junior, or vocational student may be elected attendant more than once for either football or
basketball homecoming.
10. The football Homecoming Queen may not compete for basketball queen or attendant.
11. The principal or faculty advisors may appoint someone to count the votes. There must be more than one person present
during the counting. All ballots will be retained in the Principal’s office for two weeks.
12. All voting will conclude at the end of the appointed time. Once the voting has begun, students arriving late, forfeit the
right to vote. It will be at the discretion of the principal if there are special circumstances (late bus) to be considered.
1. All escorts must be male.
2. The escorts will be chosen by the attendants and must be members of their class. The Vocational school escort should be a
vocational school student.
3. Football Homecoming escorts will be members of the football team. If there is no vocational student on the team, then
any junior or senior member of the team may be chosen by the vocational attendant.Team captains will crown the queen.
4. Basketball Homecoming escorts will be members of the basketball team. If there is no vocational student on the team,
then any junior or senior member of the team may be chosen by the vocational attendant. Team captains will crown the
1. No vehicles will be allowed on the field if there is inclement weather.
2. The basketball ceremonies will be held between the reserve and varsity games.
3. The queen and her court should use good judgment and cooperate with one another when choosing their attire for the
ceremonies, which will be subject to approval by the class advisor.
4. As of 2005-2006 the only participants taking part in the homecoming ceremonies, both fall and winter, will be high school
students. Family members are not to be a part of the ceremony. Grandparents, parents, guardians, siblings and friends are not to
be part of the ceremony. This includes all aspects of the ceremonies.
5. Only Student Council Members will present flowers to the queen and court during the ceremony.
The Juniors are host to the Seniors, Faculty, and Administration. Rules concerning the Prom:
1. Students below the freshman class will not be allowed to attend the Prom.
2. Members of the junior-senior class may invite a date from the area to the Prom. Any date that is not from Minford High
must be cleared by the advisor and office well in advance of the Prom. This person must follow all rules established by
the school and they are responsible for their own conduct.
3. Guest contracts must be completed and returned by the designated deadline.
4. Students and guests will not be admitted into the Prom if any aspect of the discipline code is violated.
5. Students must be in school on the school day preceding the prom, unless a doctors note is presented before the start of the
grand march.
6. Once a student leaves the prom, they may not loiter in the parking lot or re-enter.
A major component of the educational program at Minford High School is to prepare students to become responsible citizens by
learning how to conduct themselves properly and in accordance with established standards. Students are expected to behave in
accordance with Federal, State, local laws/rules, Board policies and Administrative Guidelines, and in a way that respects the
rights and safety of others. Staff will take corrective action to discipline a student and/or to modify the student's behavior when a
student's behavior does not fall within these parameters.
School staff may report suspected criminal misconduct by a student to law enforcement. Law enforcement officers will be
permitted to carry out necessary law enforcement functions in the schools, including the removal of a student from school grounds
in appropriate circumstances.
Students are expected to:
Performance - Strive to be the best student in your class, in your school and on your team.
Respect - Show respect to your peers, teachers, staff, administration and yourself at all times.
Integrity - Always do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
Determination - Don’t give up. Press forward. Ask for help if you need it.
Effort - Do your best at all times.
The Minford Local School District is committed to providing a safe, friendly, learning environment for its students. Attire is not
only a reflection of the individual student but also of the general learning environment: therefore, students have the responsibility
to wear clothing that projects a positive attitude of pride in self, school and the community. Students are required to wear
appropriate, comfortable, and safe clothing that is neat, clean and in good taste. No article of clothing shall be worn that distracts
from the educational process. Minford Local School District views the dress code as a serious issue and expects parents to
promote the observance of this policy. Building administrators have the final decision as to the appropriateness of all of the
clothing and attire. The following are the guidelines for the students:
1. Vulgar, illegal, (including alcohol, drugs and tobacco), and/or sexually oriented statements or suggestions on clothing are
not permitted. Any dress or statement, which may cause a hostile, intimidating, degrading, offensive, harassing, or
discriminatory environment, is prohibited.
2. Hats (or other head coverings including bandanas) and sunglasses will not be permitted to be worn inside the school
building unless approved by building administrators. Students that wear hooded sweatshirts are directed to not cover their
head with the hood inside the building. The hood may not rest partially covering the head. The hood is considered a hat.
This applies to any area of the building that is under roof.
3. Chains and/or studded accessories are prohibited and may be confiscated until the end of the school year.
4. Shorts and skirts must pass the “Finger Tip Test.” Shirts and tops must be long enough to tuck into lower garments when
seated and must have enough neckline to cover cleavage. Low-cut tops, see-through clothing, tank tops, tops with
spaghetti straps, garments with open sides which expose skin or undergarments, and muscle tops (over-sized arm holes)
are considered unacceptable.
5. See-through clothing is not permitted. Torn or tattered clothing is not to be worn.
6. Lower garments, pants, shorts or skirts, are to be worn at the appropriate level – waistline – and cannot drag the floor in
7. Form-fitting shorts or leggings are considered undergarments. All undergarments are to be covered.
8. Appropriate and safe shoes or sandals will be worn at all times.
9. Lightweight jackets are allowed.
Failure to comply with the dress code guidelines may result in disciplinary action. Any classes or work missed due to failure to
comply with the dress code guidelines will be treated as an unexcused absence.
Students who are representing Minford High School and an official function or public event may be required to follow specific
dress requirements. Usually, this applies to athletic teams, cheerleaders, bands, and other such groups.
Once being identified as in violation of the dress code, students must go to the office and make arrangements to change their
clothes. Students will not be permitted back into the general school environment until they are in compliance with the dress code.
Disciplinary Actions for Dress Code Violations
Written Warning
One (1) 1-Hour After School Detention
One (1) Day of ISS
Two (2) Days of ISS & Loss of Driving
Gangs that initiate, advocate or promote activities that threaten the safety or well-being of persons or that are disruptive to the
school environment will not be tolerated. Incidents involving initiations, hazing, intimidations or related activities that are likely
to cause harm or personal degradation are prohibited. Students wearing, carrying or displaying gang paraphernalia or exhibiting
behaviors or gestures that symbolize gang membership or causing and/or participating in activities that are designed to intimidate
another student will be disciplined. Prohibited gang paraphernalia will be specifically identified and posted by the principal.
Students are responsible for the care of their own personal property. The School is not responsible for personal property.
Valuables such as jewelry or irreplaceable items should not be brought to school. Damage to or loss of school equipment and
facilities wastes taxpayers’ money and undermines the school program. Therefore, if a student damages or loses school property,
the student and/or his/her parents will be required to pay for the replacement or repair. If the damage or loss was intentional, the
student will be subject to discipline according to the Student Discipline Code.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying behavior by any student in the Minford Public Schools is strictly prohibited, and such
conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. Harassment, intimidation, or
bullying, in accordance with Ohio Revised Code, means any intentional written, verbal, graphic or physical acts including
electronically transmitted acts i.e., Internet, cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or wireless hand-held device, either overt
or covert, by a student or group of students toward other student/school personnel with the intent to harass, intimidate, injure,
threaten, ridicule or humiliate.
Such behaviors are prohibited on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided
transportation or at any official school bus stop that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect
1. Causing mental or physical harm to the other student/school personnel including placing an individual in reasonable fear
of physical harm and/or damaging of students’ personal property; and
2. Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational
environment for the other student/school personnel.
3. Rule #31 of the Student Discipline Code addresses Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation.
No form of violent, disruptive, or inappropriate behavior, including excessive truancy, will be tolerated.
The Minford Board of Education has adopted the following guidelines outlining its expectation for the behavior of students.
Students are subject to the Student Code of Conduct for: actions occurring at a school operated by the Board or any other property
owned or controlled by the Board; or action that occur at any interscholastic competition, extracurricular event, or any other
program or activity sponsored by the school district or in which the district is a participant; or actions that occur off of property
owned or controlled by the district but that are connected to activities or incidents that have occurred on property owned or
controlled by the district; or misconduct by a pupil that, regardless of where it occurs is directed at a district official or employee,
or the property of such official or employee; or actions that occur during school-provided or arranged transportation. A violation
of any section or rule of the code may result in disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion. Students must adhere to the
following guidelines.
1. Possession/use of drugs and/or alcohol
Possessing, using, transmitting or concealing, or showing evidence of consumption of any alcoholic beverage, controlled
substance including, but not limited to, narcotics, mood altering drugs, counterfeit controlled substances, look-alikes, over the
counter stimulants or depressants, anabolic steroids, or drug-related paraphernalia.
If a building principal has a reasonable individualized suspicion of drug or alcohol use, s/he may request the student in question to
submit to any appropriate testing, including but not limited to, a Breathalyzer test or urinalysis. If a student refuses to take the test,
s/he will be advised that such denial leaves the observed evidence of alcohol or drug use unrefuted thus leading to possible
disciplinary action. The student will then be given a second opportunity to take the test.
2. Possession/use of tobacco
Possession, consumption, distribution, purchase or attempt to purchase, and/or use of tobacco products in school, on school
grounds, on school buses, and at any interscholastic competition, extra-curricular event, or other school-sponsored event is
prohibited. Tobacco products include, but are not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff or any other
matter or substance that contains tobacco or nicotine. Smoking clove cigarettes is also prohibited. Electronic cigarettes, or vaping
devices will be treated the same as tobacco products. Possession of any device/product that contains nicotine may also result in the
following disciplinary actions.
First Offense
Three (3) days (or more) of out of school suspension. At the discretion of administration.
Second Offense
Five (5) to seven (7) days of out of school suspension. At the discretion of administration.
Third Offense
Seven (7) days (or more) of out of school suspension. At the discretion of administration.
Upon request, a student must surrender any tobacco related items immediately for confiscation, impoundment or destruction.
3. Use and/or possession of a firearm
Bringing a firearm (as defined in the Federal Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994) onto school property or to any school-sponsored
activity, competition, program, or event, regardless of where it occurs, will result in a mandatory one (1) year expulsion under
Ohio law. This expulsion may be reduced on a case-by-case basis by the Superintendent using the guideline(s) set forth in Board
Firearm is defined as any weapon (including a starter gun) that will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a
projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any
destructive device (as defined in the Federal Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994). Firearms include any unloaded firearm and any
firearm that is inoperable but that can be readily operated.
Students are prohibited from knowingly possessing an object on school premises, in a school or a school building, at a school
activity or on a school bus that is indistinguishable from a firearm, whether or not the object is capable of being fired, and
indicating they are in possession of such an object and that it is a firearm or knowingly displaying or brandishing the object and
indicating it is a firearm.
4. Use and/or possession of a weapon
A weapon is any device that may be used for offensive or defensive purpose, including but not limited to conventional objects
such as guns, pellet guns, knives, or club type implements. It may also include any toy that is presented as a real weapon or
reacted to as a real weapon. Possession and/or use of a weapon may subject a student to expulsion and possible permanent
exclusion. A knife is defined as any cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle, a razor blade or any
similar device that is used for, or is readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury.
5. Use of an object as a weapon
Any object that is used to threaten, harm, or harass another may be considered a weapon. This includes but is not limited to
padlocks, pens, pencils, laser pointers, and jewelry.
6. Knowledge of dangerous weapons or threats of violence
Because the Board believes that students, staff members, and visitors are entitled to function in a safe school environment,
students are required to report knowledge of dangerous weapons or threats of violence to the Principal. Failure to report such
knowledge may subject the student to discipline.
7. Unauthorized Fire
Intentional or purposeful destruction or damage to school or district buildings or property by means of fire. Anything, such as fire,
that endangers school property and its occupants will not be tolerated. Arson is a felony.
8. Unauthorized Touching
Acting with intent to cause fear in another person of immediate bodily harm or death, or intentionally bullying, inflicting or
attempting to inflict bodily harm upon another person will not be tolerated. Physical assault of a staff member, student, or other
person associated with the District, regardless of whether it causes injury, will not be tolerated. Any intentional, harmful or
potentially harmful physical contact or bullying initiated by a student against a staff member will be considered to be assault.
Assault may result in criminal charges and may subject the student to expulsion.
9. Verbally threatening (either orally, in writing or otherwise expressed) a staff member/student/person associated with the
Any oral or written statement or otherwise expressed action that a staff member, student, or other person associated with the
District reasonably feels to be a threat will be considered a verbal assault. Profanity directed toward a staff member in a
threatening tone may also be considered a verbal assault. Confrontation with a student or staff member that bullies, intimidates, or
causes fear of bodily harm or death is also prohibited.
10. Misconduct against a school official or employee, or the property of such a person, regardless of where it occurs.
The Board prohibits misconduct committed by a student against a school official or employee, including, but not limited to,
harassment (of any type), vandalization, assault (verbal and/or physical), and destruction of property.
11. Misconduct off school grounds
Students may be subject to discipline for their misconduct even when it occurs off school property when the misconduct is
connected to activities or incidents that occurred on property owned or controlled by the District. Misconduct is defined as any
violation of the Student Discipline Code.
12. Extortion
Extortion is the use of threat, intimidation, force, or deception to take, or receive something from someone else. Extortion is
against the law.
13. Gambling
Gambling (i.e., playing a game of chance for stakes) includes casual betting, betting pools, organized-sports betting, and any other
form of wagering. Students who bet on any school activity in which they are involved may also be banned from that school
14. Falsification of school work, identification, forgery
Falsifying signatures or data, or refusing to give proper identification or giving false information to a staff member is prohibited.
This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, forgery of hall/bus passes and excuses, as well as use of false I.D.’s. Plagiarism and
cheating are also forms of falsification and will subject the student to academic penalties as well as disciplinary action.
15. Bomb threats, and other false alarms and reports
Making a bomb threat (i.e., intentionally giving a false alarm of a bomb) against a school building or any related premises may
result in expulsion for a period of up to one (1) school year. Additionally, intentionally giving a false alarm of a fire, or tampering
or interfering with any fire alarm is prohibited. It should be remembered that false emergency alarms or reports endanger the
safety forces that are responding to the alarm/report, the citizens of the community, and the persons in the building. What may
seem like a prank, is a dangerous stunt that is against the law and will subject the student to disciplinary action.
16. Terroristic Threat
Threatening, directly or indirectly, to commit a crime of violence with the purpose to terrorize another or with reckless disregard
of the risk of causing terror in another is prohibited.
17. Possession and/or use of explosives and/or fireworks
Possessing or using any compound or mixture, the primary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion, with
substantially instantaneous release of gas and heat (including, but not limited to explosives and chemical-reaction objects such as
smoke bombs and poppers) is prohibited. Additionally, possessing or offering for sale any substance, combination of substances or
article prepared to produce a visible and/or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation is prohibited.
18. Trespassing/Out of Area
Although schools are public facilities, the law allows the Board to restrict access to school property. Being present in any
Board-owned facility or portion of a Board-owned facility when it is closed to the public or when the student does not have the
authorization to be there, or unauthorized presence in a Board-owned vehicle; or unauthorized access or activity with a
Board-owned computer, into district, school or staff computer files, into a school or district file server, or into the network is
prohibited. When a student has been removed, suspended, expelled, or permanently excluded from school, the student is
prohibited from being present on school property without authorization of the principal and may be subject to discipline. Students
who do not report to their scheduled class, work assignment, or tutoring assignment or who are in unauthorized areas of the school
during the school day without permission will be considered to be out of area.
19. Theft, or knowingly receiving or possessing stolen property
Unauthorized taking of property of another person or receiving or possessing such property is prohibited. Students caught
stealing will be disciplined and may be reported to law enforcement officials. The School is not responsible for personal property.
20. Insubordination
Students are expected to comply with the reasonable directions of staff. Willful refusal or failure to follow or comply with an
appropriate direction given by a staff member, or acting in defiance of staff members may lead to disciplinary action.
21. Damaging property (Vandalism)
Defacing, cutting, or otherwise damaging property that belongs to the school, district, other students, employees or others) and
disregard for school property is prohibited.
22. Persistent absence or tardiness
Attendance laws require students to be in school all day or to have a legitimate excuse for their absence. Penalties for unexcused
absences can range from detention to a referral to court and/or revocation of the student’s driving privileges.
23. Unauthorized use of school or private property
Students must obtain permission to use any school property or any private property located on school premises. Any unauthorized
use of school property, or private property located on school premises, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
24. Refusing to accept discipline
Students failing to comply with disciplinary penalties may face enhanced penalties for such action
25. Aiding or abetting violation of school rules
Assisting other students in the violation of any school rule is prohibited. Students are expected to resist peer pressure and exercise
sound decision-making regarding their behavior.
26. Displays of affection/sexual activities
Affection between students is personal and not meant for public display. This includes touching, petting, or any other contact that
may be considered sexual in nature. Sexual activity of any nature is prohibited.
27. Unauthorized possession of electronic equipment
Students shall not use or possess any electronic equipment on school property or at any school sponsored activity without the
permission of the administration. (Refer to the Use Wireless Communications Policy in General Information Section of this
handbook). Unauthorized electronic equipment will be confiscated from the student by school personnel and disciplinary action
will be taken.
28. Violation of individual school/classroom rules
Each learning environment has different rules for students. These rules are for the safe and orderly operation of that environment.
Students will be oriented to specific rules within each learning environment, all of which will be consistent with this Code.
29. Violation of bus rules (see Section V – Transportation)
30. Interference, disruption or obstruction of the educational process
Any actions or dress that materially and substantially disrupts or interferes with school activities, the educational process or which
threatens to do so are prohibited. Such disruptions include, but are not limited to, delay or prevention of lessons, assemblies, field
trips, athletic and performing arts events.
31. Harassment and/or Aggressive Behavior (including Bullying/Cyberbullying)
The Board encourages the promotion of positive interpersonal relations between members of the school community. Harassment
and/or aggressive behavior (including bullying/cyberbullying) toward a student or third parties is strictly prohibited and will not
be tolerated. This prohibition includes physical, verbal, and psychological abuse, and any speech or action that creates a hostile,
intimidating, or offensive learning environment. The Board will not tolerate any gestures, comments, threats, or actions which
cause or threaten to cause bodily harm or personal degradation. Individuals engaging in such conduct will be subject to
disciplinary action.
Conduct constituting sexual harassment, may include, but is not limited to:
A. verbal harassment or abuse
B. pressure for sexual activity
C. repeated remarks with sexual or demeaning implications
D. unwelcome touching
E. sexual jokes, posters, cartoons, etc.
F. suggesting or demanding sexual involvement, accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning one’s safety
G. a pattern of conduct, which can be subtle in nature, that has sexual overtones and is intended to create or has the effect of
creating discomfort and/or humiliation to another;
H. remarks speculating about a person’s sexual activities or sexual history, or remarks about one’s own sexual activities or
sexual history
Conduct constituting harassment on the basis or race, color, national origin, religion, or disability may take different forms,
including, but not limited to, the following:
The making of offensive written or oral innuendoes, comments, jokes, insults, threats, or disparaging remarks concerning a
person's race, color, national origin, religious beliefs, disability or sexual orientation.
Placing offensive objects, pictures, or graphic commentaries in the school environment or making insulting or threatening gestures
based upon a person's race, color, national origin, religious beliefs, or disability.
Any intimidating or disparaging action such as hitting, pushing, shoving, or spitting, on a staff member, students, or other person
associated with the District, or third parties, based upon the person's race, color, national origin, religious beliefs, disability or
sexual orientation.
Aggressive behavior is defined as inappropriate conduct that is repeated enough, or serious enough, to negatively impact a
student's educational, physical, or emotional well being. This type of behavior is a form of intimidation and harassment, although
it need not be based on any of the legally protected characteristics, such as sex, race, color, marital status, or disability. It would
include, but not be limited to, such behaviors as stalking, bullying/cyberbullying, intimidating, menacing, coercion, name-calling,
taunting, making threats, and hazing.
Any student who believes that s/he is the victim of any of the above actions or has observed such actions by another student, or
other person associated with the District, or by third parties should contact a building administrator or complete the online report
form that is found on the high school’s webpage. The form can be found under the title, “Bullying Report Form.”
Administrators are available during regular school hours to discuss a student's concerns related to harassment and/or
bullying/cyberbullying, to assist a student who seeks support or advice when informing another individual about "unwelcome"
conduct, or to intercede informally on behalf of the student.
The student may report his/her concerns to the building administrators either by a written report (online or in the High School
office, telephone, or personal visit. In reporting his/her concerns, the student should provide the name of the person(s) whom he or
she believes to be responsible for the harassment and or bullying/cyberbullying and the nature of the harassing and/or
bullying/cyberbullying incident(s). The building administrators will promptly compile a written summary of each such report that
will be forwarded to anti-harassment complaint coordinator.
Each report will be investigated in a timely manner and as confidentially as possible. The District will respect the privacy of the
complainant, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and the witnesses as much as possible, consistent with the
Board's legal obligations to investigate, to take appropriate action, and to conform with any discovery or disclosure obligations.
While a charge is under investigation, no information will be released to anyone who is not involved with the investigation, except
as may be required by law or in the context of a legal or administrative proceeding. All records generated under the terms of this
policy and its related administrative guidelines shall be maintained as confidential to the extent permitted by law. All individuals
involved in an investigation as either a witness, victim or alleged harasser and/or bully/cyberbully will be instructed not to discuss
the subject outside of the investigation.
If an investigation reveals that a harassment and/or bullying/cyber bullying complaint is valid, appropriate remedial and or
disciplinary action will be taken promptly to prevent the continuance of the harassment and/or bullying/cyberbullying or its
Given the nature of harassing and/or bullying/cyberbullying behavior, the School recognizes that false accusations can have
serious effects on innocent individuals. Therefore, all students are expected to act responsibly, honestly, and with the utmost
candor whenever they present harassment and/or bullying/cyber bullying allegations or charges.
Some forms of sexual harassment of a student may reasonably be considered child abuse that must be reported to the proper
These guidelines shall not be interpreted to infringe upon the First Amendment rights of students (i.e., to prohibit a reasoned and
civil exchange of opinions, or debate, that is conducted at appropriate times and places during the school day and is protected by
State or Federal law)
Retaliation against any person who reports, is thought to have reported, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in an
investigation or inquiry concerning allegations of harassment and/or aggressive behavior is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation and independent of whether a complaint is substantiated. Suspected
retaliation should be reported in the same manner as harassment and aggressive behavior. Making intentionally false reports about
harassment or aggressive behavior for the purpose of getting someone in trouble is similarly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Retaliation and intentionally false reports may result in disciplinary action as indicated above.
Anyone having further questions concerning prohibited behaviors and/or the complaint process should request a copy of Board
policies and administrative guidelines 5517 and 5517.01.
32. Hazing
Performing any act, or coercing another, including the victim, to perform any act of initiation into any class, team, or
organization, that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm. Permission, consent, or assumption or
risk by an individual subjected to hazing shall not lessen the prohibitions contained in this rule.
Hazing by any individual, school group, club, or team is not permitted. This includes any form of initiation that causes or creates a
risk of causing mental or physical harm, no matter how willing the participant may be. Hazing activities are prohibited at any time
in school facilities, on school property, and/or off school property but connected to activities or incidents that have occurred on
school property.
All incidents of hazing must be reported immediately to any of the following individuals: the building principal or other
administrator; teacher; coach; student club advisor/supervisor, and/or Superintendent. Students who engage in hazing may also be
liable for civil and criminal penalties.
33. Violent Conduct
Students may be expelled for up to one school year for committing an act at school, on other school property, at an interscholastic
competition, extracurricular event, or any other school program, or directing an act at a Board official or employee, regardless of
where or when that act may occur, or their property that would be a criminal offense if committed by an adult and results in
serious physical harm to person(s) or property.
34. Improper Dress
Please refer to Dress and Grooming Guidelines in the General Information Section of this handbook.
35. Careless or Reckless Driving
Driving on school property in such a manner as to endanger persons or property is prohibited.
36. Burglary
Entering a building or a specific area of a building without consent and with intent to commit a crime, or entering a building
without consent and committing a crime is prohibited.
37. Fighting
Engaging in adversarial physical contact (differentiated from poking, pushing, shoving or scuffling) in which one or the other
party(ies) or both contributed to the situation by verbally instigating a fight and/or physical action is prohibited. Promoting or
instigating a fight (i.e., contributing to a fight verbally or through behavior) is prohibited.
38. Lighting Incendiary Devices
Unauthorized igniting of matches, lighters and other devices that produce flames is prohibited.
39. Possession of Pornography
Possessing sexually explicit material is prohibited.
40. Unauthorized use of vehicles
Occupying or using vehicles during school hours without parental permission and/or school authorization is prohibited.
41. Conduct deemed inappropriate by the principal or assistant principal
Any conduct not specifically described in this code of conduct that materially disrupts the educational process is prohibited.
42. Profanity, Obscene or Abusive Language or Materials
The use of either oral or written language, electronic messages, computers, gestures, objects, or pictures which are disrespectful or
socially unacceptable and which have the capacity to disrupt the school environment, a school function or extra-curricular activity
is prohibited. The teacher or principal determines if the language is profane, vulgar, or offensive.
43. Repeated Offenses
Students who repeatedly violate the student code of conduct may be progressively moved through the districts Levels of
44. Violation of Academic Honesty Policy
(refer to page 44)
1. After school detention - Served on any day from 2:35 PM to 3:35 PM.
2. In-School-Suspension—Served Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays or as needed.
3. Out of School Suspension
4. Loss of Driving Privileges
5. Community service assignments
6. Wireless device confiscation
7. Loss of computer/network use.
8. Expulsion
The School is committed to providing prompt, reasonable discipline consistent with the severity of the incident. The consequences
for misbehavior are designed to be fair, firm and consistent for all students in the School.
Because it is not possible to list every misbehavior that occurs, misbehaviors not listed above will be responded to as necessary by
Assigned students will attend school and report to the In-School Suspension Room. Students shall report with class assignments
and all necessary materials.
A student missing any portion (a late arrival or early dismissal) of his/her assigned time in Detention or In-School Suspension
may be given an additional discipline. Failure to timely serve Detention or In-School Suspension may lead to suspension from
school. Any such suspension shall be in accordance with District guidelines on suspension and expulsion.
The following rules apply to Detention and In-School Suspension:
A. Students are required to have class assignments with them.
B. Students are not to communicate with each other unless given permission to do so.
C. Students are to remain in their designated seats at all times unless permission is granted to do otherwise.
D. Students will not be allowed to put their heads down or sleep.
E. No electronic communication devices, radios, CD/MP3 players, cards, magazines, or other entertainment/recreational
articles or devices shall be allowed in the room. All such devices must be handed over to the ISS teacher. They will be
returned at the end of the day.
F. No food or beverages shall be consumed.
G. Students may be expected to perform community service assignments
H. Students may be searched for items that violate the school discipline code
Formal discipline involves removal of the student from school. It includes emergency removal for up to three (3) school days,
suspension for up to ten (10) school days, expulsion for up to eighty (80) school days or the number of days remaining in a
semester, whichever is greater, and permanent exclusion. Suspensions and expulsions may carry over into the next school year.
Any student who is expelled from school for more than twenty (20) days or for any period of time if the expulsion will extend into
the following semester or school year will be provided with information about services or programs offered by public and private
agencies that work toward improving those aspects of the student’s attitude and behavior that contributed to the incident that gave
rise to the student’s expulsion. The Superintendent at his/her discretion may require/allow a student to perform community service
in conjunction with or in place of an expulsion. The Superintendent may impose a community service requirement beyond the end
of the school year in lieu of applying the expulsion to the following school year. Removal for less than one (1) school day without
the possibility of suspension or expulsion may not be appealed. Suspension, expulsion, and permanent exclusion may be appealed.
Students being considered for suspension are entitled to an informal meeting with the building administrator prior to removal.
Also, students being considered for expulsion are entitled to an informal meeting with the Superintendent or designee prior to
removal. During the informal meeting, the student will be notified of the charges and given the opportunity to respond.
Students involved in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities such as band and athletics can lose their eligibility for violation of
the School rules.
If a student commits a crime while under the School’s jurisdiction, s/he may be subject to school disciplinary action as well as
action through local law enforcement.
Before a student is suspended, expelled, or permanently excluded from school, there are specific procedures that must be
followed. In-school discipline that is served entirely in the school setting will not require any notice or meeting, or be subject to
When a student is being considered for a suspension, the administrator in charge will notify the student of the basis for the
proposed suspension. The student will be given an opportunity to explain his/her view of the underlying facts. After that informal
hearing, the Principal [or assistant principal or other administrator] will determine whether or not to suspend the student. If the
decision is made to suspend the student, s/he and his/her parents will be given written notification of the suspension within one (1)
day setting forth the reason for the suspension, the length of the suspension, and the process for appeal. The suspension may be
appealed, within (3) days after receipt of the suspension notice, to the principal. The request for an appeal must be in writing.
During the appeal process, the student shall not be allowed to remain in school. The appeal shall be conducted in a private hearing.
If the appeal decision is to uphold the suspension, the next step in the appeal process is to the superintendent. If the superintendent
upholds the suspension the next step is to the Court of Common Pleas.
If a student’s presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property, or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process
taking place either in a classroom or elsewhere on the school premises, the Superintendent, principal or assistant principal may
remove the student from any curricular or extracurricular activity or from the school premises. A teacher may remove the student
from any curricular or extracurricular activity under the teacher’s supervision, but not from the premises.
If a teacher makes an emergency removal, the teacher will notify a building administrator of the circumstances surrounding the
removal in writing within one (1) school day. No prior notice or hearing is required for any removal under this procedure. In all
cases of normal disciplinary procedures where a student is removed from curricular or extracurricular activity for less than one
school day, and is not subject to further suspension for expulsion, the following due process requirements do not apply.
If the emergency removal exceeds one (1) school day, then a hearing will be held within three (3) school days after the removal is
ordered. Written notice of the hearing and the reasons for removal and any intended disciplinary action will be provided to the
student, as soon as practical prior to the hearing. If the student is subject to an out of school suspension, the student will have the
opportunity to appear at an informal hearing before the principal, assistant principal, Superintendent or a designee, and may
challenge the reasons for the removal or otherwise explain his/her actions.
Within one (1) school day of the decision to suspend, written notification will be given to the parent(s)/guardian(s) or custodian(s)
of the student. This notice will include the reasons for the suspension, the right of the student or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) or
custodian(s) to appeal to the Board or its designee, and the student’s right to be represented in all appeal proceedings. If it is likely
that the student may be subject to expulsion, the hearing will take place within three (3) school days and will be held in
accordance with the procedures outlined in the Student Expulsion Policy. The person who ordered or requested the removal will
be present at the hearing. In an emergency removal, a student may be kept from class until the matter of the alleged misconduct is
resolved either by reinstatement, suspension or expulsion.
When a student is being considered for expulsion, the student and parent will be provided with a formal notice of the proposed
expulsion. This written notice will include the reasons for the intended expulsion, notification of the opportunity to appear in
person before the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee to challenge the reasons for the expulsion and/or explain the
student’s action, and notification of the time and place to appear. Students being considered for expulsion may be removed
immediately. A hearing will be scheduled no earlier than three (3), nor no later than five (5) school days after the notice is given.
Parents may request an extension of time for the hearing. The student may be represented by his/her parents, legal counsel, and/or
by a person of his/her choice at the hearing.
In accordance with Board Policy 5610, the Superintendent shall initiate expulsion proceedings against a student who has
committed an act that warrants expulsion under Board policy even if the student withdraws from school prior to the hearing or
decision to impose the expulsion. The expulsion will be imposed for the same duration that it would have been had the student
remained enrolled.
If a student is expelled, the student and the student’s parents will be provided with written notice within one (1) school day of the
imposed expulsion. The notice will include the reasons for the expulsion, the right of the student, or the student’s
parent(s)/guardian(s) or custodian(s) to appeal the expulsion to the Board or its designee, the right to be represented in all appeal
proceedings, the right to be granted a hearing before the Board or its designee, and the right to request that the hearing be held in
executive session
Within (3) days after the Superintendent notifies the parents of the expulsion, the expulsion may be appealed, in writing, to the
Board of Education or its designee. A hearing on the requested appeal will be formal with an opportunity for sworn testimony. If
the expulsion is upheld on appeal, a student’s parents may pursue further appeal to the Court of Common Pleas.
Students serving expulsions will not be awarded grades or credit during the period of expulsion. Expulsion for certain violations
(including use or possession of alcohol or drugs) may result in revocation of student’s drivers license. When a student is expelled,
the Superintendent will notify any college in which the expelled student is enrolled under the Postsecondary Enrollment Option at
the time the expulsion is imposed.
State law provides for the permanent exclusion of a student, 16 years of age or older who engages in certain criminal activity.
Permanently excluded students may never be permitted to return to school anywhere in the State of Ohio. A permanent exclusion
may be considered if the student is convicted or adjudicated delinquent for committing one or more of the following crimes while
on the property of any Ohio school:
1. Conveying deadly weapons onto school property or to a school function
2. Possessing deadly weapons onto school property or at a school function;
3. Carrying a concealed weapon onto school property or at a school function
4. Trafficking in drugs onto school property or at a school function
5. Murder, aggravated murder on school property or at a school function
6. Voluntary or involuntary manslaughter on school grounds or at a school function
7. Assault or aggravated assault on school property or at a school function
8. Rape, gross sexual imposition or felonious sexual penetration on school grounds, or at a school function, when the victim
is a student or employee
9. Complicity in any of the above offenses, regardless of the location
This process is formal and may follow an expulsion with the proper notification to the parents.
Students with disabilities are entitled to the rights and procedures afforded by the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act (I.D.E.I.A.), and, where applicable, the Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.), and/or Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
When a student is being considered for suspension of bus riding/transportation privileges, the administrator in charge will notify
the student of the reason. The student will be given an opportunity to address the basis for the proposed suspension at an informal
hearing. After the informal hearing, the principal [or assistant principal or other administrator] will decide whether or not to
suspend his/her bus riding/transportation privileges for all or part of the school year. If a student’s bus riding/transportation
privileges are suspended, s/he and his/her parents will be notified, in writing within one day, of the reason for and the length of the
Administrators may search a student or his/her property (including vehicles, purses, knapsacks, gym bags, etc.) with or without the
student’s consent, whenever they reasonably suspect that a search will lead to the discovery of evidence of a violation of law or
school rules. The extent of the search will be governed by the seriousness of the alleged infraction and the student’s age. General
housekeeping inspection of school property may be conducted with reasonable notice. Student lockers are the property of the
District and students have no reasonable expectation of privacy in their contents or in the contents of any other District property
including desks or other containers. School authorities may conduct random searches of the lockers and their contents at any time
without announcement. Unannounced and random canine searches may also be conducted.
Additionally, students have NO reasonable expectation of privacy in their actions in public areas including but not limited to,
common areas, hallways, cafeterias, classrooms and gymnasiums. The District may use video cameras in such areas and on all
school vehicles transporting students to and from regular and extracurricular activities.
Anything that is found in the course of a search may be used as evidence of a violation of school rules or the law, and may be
taken, held or turned over to the police.The School reserves the right not to return items that have been confiscated.
The School is committed to protecting students from harm that may be connected with the school environment and also
recognizes its responsibility to cooperate with law enforcement and public child welfare agencies. While the School believes these
agencies should conduct their investigations off school property if possible, investigations can take place at school in emergency
situations or if the violation being investigated occurred on school property.
Before students are questioned as witnesses or suspects in an alleged criminal violation, the building administrator will attempt to
contact a parent prior to questioning and shall remain in the room during questioning.
If a student is questioned as the subject of alleged child abuse or neglect, the building administrator will attempt to contact a
parent prior to questioning, and s/he (or a designated guidance counselor) will remain in the room during questioning. If the
agency investigating the alleged child abuse or neglect suspects the parent is the perpetrator, neither parent will be contacted prior
to questioning, but the building administrator (or a designated guidance counselor) will remain in the room during questioning.
If law enforcement or children's services agency removes a student from school, the building administrator will notify a parent.
School buses are provided by the State for the transportation of students. Proper conduct and procedures are governed by local and
State regulations. The bus driver is responsible for the safety and welfare of the students who ride the bus. Stern disciplinary
action will be taken with students who jeopardize this responsibility. The School has the authority through State regulations to
refuse to transport any student who fails to cooperate. After a student has boarded the bus for school, he will not be permitted to
disembark until the bus arrives at school.
Under certain circumstances, students will be allowed to travel on school business in cars driven by students. After arriving on
school property, a student is not permitted to leave school property before school begins regardless of whether he/she rides the
school bus or drives a car. See page 35 for Transportation of Students by Private Vehicle.
A bus pass must be obtained from the office to ride a bus other than the bus the student has been assigned to. This pass may be
obtained by bringing a note from the parent/guardian explaining the reason the student needs to ride a bus other than the assigned
Students who are riding to and from school on District-provided transportation must follow all basic safety rules. This applies to
school-owned buses as well as any contracted transportation. The driver may assign seating or direct students in any reasonable
manner to maintain transportation safety.
Students must comply with the following basic safety rules:
Prior to Loading (on the road and at school)
Each student shall:
1. Be on time at the designated loading zone
2. Stay off the road at all times while walking to and waiting for school transportation
3. Line up single file off the roadway to enter
4. Wait until the school transportation is completely stopped before moving forward to enter
5. Refrain from crossing a highway until the driver signals it is safe to cross
6. Properly board and depart the vehicle
7. Go immediately to a seat and be seated
It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the bus driver when their child will not be aboard school transportation. Drivers will not
wait for students who are not at their designated stops on time.
During the Trip
Each student shall:
1. Remain seated while the school transportation is in motion
2. Keep head, hands, arms, and legs inside the school transportation at all times
3. Not push, shove or engage in scuffling
4. Not litter in the school vehicle or throw anything in, into, or from the vehicle
5. Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisle
6. Be courteous to the driver and to other riders
7. Not eat or play games, cards, etc.
8. Not use nuisance devices (e.g., laser pointers) on the bus in a way that disrupts the safe transportation of students and/or
endangers students or employees
9. Not tamper with the school vehicle or any of its equipment (including, but not limited to emergency and/or safety
Exiting the School Vehicle
Each student shall:
1. Remain seated until the vehicle has stopped
2. Cross the road, when necessary, at least 10 feet in front of the vehicle, but only after the driver signals that it is safe
3. Be alert to a possible danger signal from the driver
The driver will not discharge students at places other than their regular stop at home or at school unless he/she has proper
authorization from school officials.
The Board of Education has installed video cameras on school buses to monitor student behavior. If a student misbehaves on a
bus and his/her actions are recorded, then video may be submitted to the Principal and used as evidence of misbehavior
A student who misbehaves on the bus shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student Discipline Code and may lose the
privilege of riding on the bus.
When transportation by District vehicle is either not available or feasible, there may be a need to provide transportation to students
by private vehicle. However, no students will be permitted to ride in a private vehicle unless written consent is provided by each
student’s parent using Form 8660 F2 – Parental Consent for Transportation by Private Vehicle. Upon request, parents of
participating students will be given the name of the driver, the owner of the vehicle, and the description of the vehicle.
Driving to school is a privilege that can be revoked at any time. Students who are provided the opportunity to ride school
transportation are encouraged to do so. Students and their parents assume full responsibility and liability for any transportation to
and from school not officially provided by the School. The following rules shall apply:
1. Students will be given a hang tag to display on their rear view mirror upon completing an online application. The first tag
is free. Replacement tags are $3.00
2. Vehicles that do not possess a Minford High School parking tag in plain sight may be subject to towing at the owner's
3. Students are required to obey the parking lot speed limit of 10 mph.
4. The automobile shall not be moved during the school day. Students are not to be in cars during school hours.
5. After school, student drivers may not leave the parking lot until the busses have cleared the high school lot.
6. Students are to park in designated areas only- vehicles are not to be parked in handicapped parking spaces, in the teacher
lot, on the grass or on sidewalks surrounding Minford High School. Exceptions made only with written administrative
7. When exiting the school property, students are not permitted to drive through the k-8 complex to Falcon Road. However,
picking up a sibling from the middle school or elementary school is permitted. Students are also permitted to drive
through to practice and must park at spots designated by the coach or principal.
8. Six (6) tardies in a 9 week grading period will result in the withdrawal of driving privileges.
9. When the school provides transportation, students shall not drive to school-sponsored activities.
10. Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of privileges and/or disciplinary actions for a student.
11. All vehicles entering school property are subject to search and inspection. The driver of vehicle is deemed to be in
possession of all contents therein.
12. Ohio Revised Code 3321.13 and 4507.061 authorizes the revocation of a child’s license to drive until age 18 for the
following reasons:
a. Withdrawal from school prior to age 18.
b. Habitual absences without legitimate excuse.
c. Suspension or Expulsion from school resulting from substance abuse possession of drugs, use, transmitting,
concealment or under the influence).
Statement of Philosophy
The Minford School District believes that students involved in athletics have a very strong influence both in the community and
within the school. They are being watched constantly and have a responsibility for displaying wholesome leadership at all times.
Code of Conduct
1. The Athletic Code of Conduct follows athletes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the 1
day of practice until the
completion of the season.
2. Students participating in extracurricular activities at Minford High School are also under the authority of the Minford
High School Code of Conduct. When there is a conflict in rules, the High School Code of Conduct is supreme.
3. Students participating in athletic activities at Minford High School are under the authority of the Minford High School
Code of Conduct, the Athletic Code of Conduct, and the OHSAA By-Laws.
4. Coaches may apply rules and regulations that are more stringent than the Code of Conduct, but not less.
5. Minford High School adheres to the OHSAA academic and eligibility requirements.
6. Arrest and Conviction-Any athlete arrested and charged with a felony will be suspended from playing privileges until the
charges are dropped, dismissed, or otherwise resolved. A student-athlete convicted or pleading guilty to a felony shall be
dismissed from the team.
7. Changing Sports in Mid-season. A student who is a member of an interscholastic team may not quit the team and join
another during the same season or quit and participate in strength and conditioning for another sport unless it is agreed
upon by both coaches and the athletic director. There is no appeal.
8. Suspension. A student may not participate in any game or practice while serving an out of school suspension. Students
may participate if serving an in-school suspension.
9. Equipment and Uniforms. Any athlete who knowingly defaces facilities, or alters equipment belonging to the Minford
Local School District or another school district, or whose careless or irresponsible actions result in the loss of that
equipment is required to make restitution. Any athlete refusing to comply with this request will be prohibited from
participating on an interscholastic team until restitution is completed. Athletes must return all uniforms and equipment at
the completion of the sport’s season. Any athlete failing to turn in their equipment or uniforms without permission from
the head coach shall be prohibited from participating on an interscholastic team until the items are returned.
10. Theft. Any athlete who is found guilty of theft against his/her teammates, school property, or property from another
school shall be indefinitely suspended.
11. Student-athletes should display good sportsmanship at all times. Unsportsmanlike behavior is subject to discipline by the
coach, principal, or athletic director. Repeated unsportsmanlike behavior may result in removal from the team.
12. Student-athletes may not at any time during the season use any tobacco products including smokeless tobacco, electronic
vaping devices or any other nicotine product. In addition to discipline detailed in the student code of conduct, athletes
shall also be subject to the following steps:
First Offense: Denial of 25% of the OHSAA permitted regular season contest, may be reduced to 10% if proof of participation in
an assessment and follow-up program is provided to the school within 5 days of offense.
Second Offense: Denial of 50% of the OHSAA permitted regular season contest.
Third Offense: Removal of team.
Fourth Offense: Denial of participation in all high school athletics for one school year from the date of the infraction
13. Athletes shall not use, purchase, transmit, sell, or have in his/her possession in any alcohol or illegal drugs.
First Offense: Denial of 50% of the OHSAA permitted regular season contest, may be reduced to 25% if proof of participation in
an assessment and follow-up program is provided to the school within 5 days of offense.
Second Offense: Removal from team
Third Offense: Denial of participation in all high school athletics for one school year from the date of the infraction
Each coach will determine which athletes are considered varsity. Varsity qualification should be discussed prior to the beginning
of each season. The athletic department will present scholar athlete awards at the end of the school year. An athlete will receive
Scholar Athlete recognition by completing the year with a 3.5 GPA and being recognized as a varsity athlete during the course of
the school year.
All athletes are to have a current physical, EMA, and insurance waiver on file, per OHSAA mandate. Any injury that requires
attention from a medical provider, other than the school’s trainer, will require a return-to play note from the medical provider
treating the injury before returning to play.
Minford High School is committed to advancing the pursuit of intellectual excellence and to maintaining the highest standards of
academic honesty and integrity among all students. Honesty is a value that holds each person to tell the truth and to defend the
truth. Honesty supports intellectual growth and creates a fair learning environment. Integrity is firm adherence to our values with
or without the presence of others. In an environment of honesty and integrity, the work we turn in as our own is our own.
We are convinced that neither pressure for grades, inadequate time for studying or completing an assignment, nor unrealistic
parental expectations justify students acting dishonestly. We affirm that “learning for learning’s sake” is intrinsically valued and
we will not tolerate any infractions that create or result in an unfair advantage for one student or a disadvantage for another. Any
form or act of academic dishonesty will undermine our standards of excellence and violate the trust that bonds all members of the
school community.
Academic dishonesty is using a person’s work, concepts, designs, data, ideas, research, or documentation without giving proper
credit to the source. It is more than just plagiarism and includes lying, cheating, using or providing unauthorized materials in
preparation for an exam, test or quiz, or using or providing unauthorized materials during an exam, test or quiz. Dishonesty also
includes theft of educational materials or falsification of records and files.
Forms of Academic Honesty
Taking full credit for your own work and giving full credit to others who have helped you or influenced you, or whose
work you have incorporated into our own work.
Representing your own work honestly and accurately.
Collaborating with other students only as specifically directed and authorized.
Forms of Academic Dishonesty (examples include, but are not limited to the following):
Level 1 Offenses
1. Looking at someone else’s work product or knowingly allowing someone else to look at one’s work product during an
exam, test or quiz.
2. Using any kind of cheat notes during an exam, test or quiz.
3. Copying any work assigned to be done independently or letting others copy one’s work.
4. Using an electronic device to give, receive or copy information before or after a test, quiz, or exam.
5. Collaborating on an exam, test, quiz or assignment with any other person without prior approval from the teacher.
6. Lying about attendance or ability to complete an assignment and/or assessments.
7. Claiming credit for work in a group project when work was done by others.
8. Claiming credit for assignments completed by other students or parents.
9. Copying or closely paraphrasing sentences, phrases, or passages from an uncited source while writing a paper or doing
10. Using the views, opinions or insights of others without proper acknowledgement.
11. Providing information from tests, exams, or quizzes to other students.
12. Fabricating or altering laboratory data.
Level 2 Offenses
1. Having unauthorized access to or using stolen exams, tests, or quizzes.
2. Providing or selling unauthorized stolen exams, tests, or quizzes.
3. Accessing and/or using copyrighted test bank questions or any material for instructors’ use only.
4. Accessing or attempting to access Progress Book or any other teacher recording device to change grades.
Teacher, Student, Parent, and Administrator Responsibilities
Student’s Responsibilities
Read and know the school’s Academic Honesty Policy.
In addition to observing the MHS Academic Honesty Policy, observe all course specific rules and consequences
established by your teachers.
Protect work, do not lend or borrow work.
Learn how to attribute work properly by citation, footnote, and bibliography.
When in doubt, clarify with the teacher what aids may be used on a test, paper or assignment.
Seek only appropriate help from parents, tutors, or other students: check with the teacher prior to receiving the help to
know what assistance is appropriate and permissible.
Parent Responsibilities
Read and know the school’s Academic Honesty Policy.
Help your student understand that you value academic honesty and expect your student to comply with it.
Support the imposition of consequences if the Academic Honesty Policy is violated.
Be aware of your student’s need for quiet time and a place to study.
Support your student’s efforts, but do not edit, type, or in any other way do the work.
Teacher Responsibilities
Review the MHS Academic Honesty policy with students.
Address course specific rules.
Address the use of aids like Spark Notes, internet sites, calculators, or smartphone apps in course work.
Be specific about what work is collaborative, cooperative or individual.
Keep completed tests and assignments secure.
Ensure grades and marked documents are private and safe.
Report violations of the Academic Honesty Policy regarding your own class to an administrator.
Report violations of the Academic Honesty Policy regarding another teachers assignment to that teacher.
Tell students what they are allowed to discuss after a test has been given.
Administrator Responsibilities
Make available to all students, teachers, and parents a copy of the school’s Academic Honesty Policy.
Administer fair and consistent consequences for offenses to the Academic Honesty Policy.
Maintain records of the Academic Honesty Policy.
Procedures and Consequences
All parties concerned, students, parents and administrators are to understand that the teachers professional judgment will
determine whether a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy has occurred.
Whenever a student is found to have violated the Academic Honesty Policy and/or course specific rules, these procedures will be
The teacher will document the violation and report it to the Assistant Principal
The Assistant Principal will record the violation into DASL and determine if it the student’s first or second offense.
The Assistant Principal will have a conference with the student and whenever possible the teacher. The purpose of the
meeting is to clarify why the assignment violated the Academic Honesty Policy, assign a consequence and try to prevent
future violations.
The Assistant Principal will notify the Principal of the infraction and contact parents to discuss the infraction and
Level One, First Offense, consequences will include (but are not limited to):
The student will receive a zero for the assignment.
The student must complete or redo the assignment. Failure to do so will result in a one letter grade deduction at the
conclusion of the quarter.
The student will be assigned an after school detention.
Level One, Second Offense, consequences will include (but are not limited to):
The student will receive a zero for the assignment
The student must complete or redo the assignment. Failure to do so will result in a one letter grade deduction at the
conclusion of the quarter.
The student will be suspended from participation and/or participation in all extra-curricular activities for five school days.
The student will be assigned in-school suspension for three days.
Level One, Offenses over two
Administrative Discretion
Level Two Offenses, consequences will include (but are not limited to):
The student will receive a zero for the assignment if an assignment is involved.
The student must complete or redo the assignment. Failure to do so will result in a one letter grade deduction at the
conclusion of the quarter if an assignment is involved.
Out of School Suspension at the discretion of the administrator
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Minford High School - @MinfordHS
MHS Athletics – @MinfordAthletics
MHS Yearbook - @Minford-High-School-Yearbook-273780379371871
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please take time to review the 2019-2020 version of the Minford High School Parent-Student Handbook. You may view the
handbook on our website, www.minfordfalcons.net. You can also request a hard copy by stopping in or calling our office at
740-820-3445. After reading the handbook and discussing it with your child, please sign below, remove it from the handbook, and
have your child return it to his/her homeroom teacher or to the office prior to September 6th, 2019. Failure to return this sheet
prior to September 6th, 2019 may result in disciplinary action.
I have read the Minford High School handbook and agree to abide by the policies stated therein.
Student Name ____________________________________Student Grade Level__________
Student Signature________________________________________Date___________________
My son/daughter has read the Minford High School student handbook and agrees to abide by the policies stated therein.
Parent’s/Guardian's Name_______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________Date_________________