General Questions
When is a resident agent form required?
If the applicant/executor/administrator lives out of the state of Texas, he/she must
designate a resident agent in Texas
You do not need this designation for a muniment of title application.
When can I file an application for probate without an attorney/pro se?
Attorney representation is recommended for all legal matters, however, a person can
probate a will without an attorney if the application to probate the will as muniment of
title only and all beneficiaries must be co-applicants.
When is re-posting on an amended application necessary?
Any material change in the application requires re-posting. Examples: Name of Applicant
or Decedent has changed, Type of Application and relief has changed, any other material
Uncontested Probate of Will Docket
Which documents must be signed at the hearing?
Proof of Death and Other Facts: Must be testified to in open court by person with
personal knowledge and signed in front of the clerk by the person who gave testimony.
Which documents may be signed after the hearing?
Oath: Oath of Executor/Administrator may be taken after giving testimony on the 8
floor at the probate clerk’s office, OR you may also have it signed, notarized and e-filed
after the hearing (will not be able to order letters until oath is on file). The oath must be
signed and notarized after the prove-up.
Does the proposed executor/administrator have to attend the prove-up hearing? No, the
person applying to be appointed executor/administrator of an estate does not have to be present
at the hearing. The attorney may give the required testimony if he/she has personal knowledge
of the facts to be sworn to, in this case, the attorney will sign the proof of death and other
Self-Proved Will
Who needs to attend the hearing? If the will is indeed self-proved (please verify with the
court), the attorney may be the only person who needs to attend the hearing, but only if the
attorney has personal knowledge of the testimony he/she is giving.
Not Self-Proved Will
Who needs to attend the hearing?
Two disinterested witnesses who have personal knowledge and can testify as to the
decedent’s handwriting/signature OR
One subscribing witness to the will
Holographic Will Not Self-Proved/ Attested
Need two disinterested witnesses to prove up handwriting and signature of will
Application to Probate Will Not Produced In Court/Copy of Will- 256.156 and Sec. 258.002.
Requires 2 disinterested witnesses to testify at hearing (as if not self-proved) OR
One subscribing witness
(a) On the filing of an application for the probate of a written will that cannot be produced in
court, the clerk shall issue a citation to all parties interested in the estate. The citation must:
(1) contain substantially the statements made in the application for probate;
(2) identify the court that will act on the application; and
(3) state the time and place of the court's action on the application.
(b) The citation required by Subsection (a) shall be served on the testator's heirs by
personal service if the heirs are residents of this state and their addresses are known.
(c) Service of the citation required by Subsection (a) may be made by publication if:
(1) the heirs are not residents of this state;
(2) the names or addresses of the heirs are unknown; or
(3) the heirs are transient persons.
PRODUCED. In addition to the requirements for an application under Section 256.052, if an
applicant for the probate of a will cannot produce the will in court, the application must state:
(1) the reason the will cannot be produced;
(2) the contents of the will, as far as known; and
(3) the name and address, if known, whether the person is an adult or minor, and
the relationship to the testator, if any, of:
(A) each devisee;
(B) each person who would inherit as an heir of the testator in the
absence of a valid will; and
(C) in the case of partial intestacy, each heir of the testator.
Additional Requirements:
(1) the cause of the nonproduction of a will not produced in court must be proved, which must
be sufficient to satisfy the court that the will cannot by any reasonable diligence be produced;
(2) the contents of the will must be substantially proved by the testimony of a credible witness
who has read either the original or a copy of the will, has heard the will read, or can identify a
copy of the will.
Application to Probate Will with Will annexed
If the will does not name an executor, or the named executor is not able to serve, you
need to file consents from beneficiaries consenting to appointment of administrator with
will annexed and to the independent administration, if applicable
Probate of Will as Muniment of Title- Required documents for hearing
Oath of No Debts, Proof of Death/Testimony of Witnesses, Proposed Order (include
Medicaid benefits and no unpaid debts provisions)
What are the additional requirements for application to probate will when it has been
longer than 4 years after Decedent’s death and the date of the filing of the application?
You must adhere to Texas Estates Code 258.051- The application must include all heirs
at law. You must send the application and notice to all heirs, including a statement that
the estate would pass to the heirs if the will is not admitted. You then need to file the
return of service for all heirs.
You must state in application the reason why the applicant is not in default for failure to
probate will within 4 years.
258.052: if cannot ascertain address of heirs (after 4 years app), must appoint AAL to
represent their interests
Deposition on Written Questions
CERTAIN MATTERS. (a) If a will is to be probated, or in another probate matter in which
there is no opposing party or attorney of record on whom to serve notice and copies of
interrogatories, service may be made by:
* posting notice of the intention to take depositions for a period of 10 days as provided by
Section 51.053 governing a posting of notice.
(b) When notice by posting under Subsection (a) is filed with the county clerk, a copy of the
interrogatories must also be filed.
(c) At the expiration of the 10-day period prescribed by Subsection (a):
(1) the depositions for which the notice was posted may be taken; and
(2) the judge may file cross-interrogatories if no person appears.
Appointing a Successor Executor/Administrator
Do I need to set this for oral hearing or by submission?
If the successor executor is named in the will, and the application is not contested, you do
not need to set oral hearing and it may be heard by submission
If a co-administrator/executor passes away, section 240 provides for succession of
surviving co-administrator without court order, however if want to re-issue letters to just
name the surviving administrator must file motion and court will hear it by submission
Is posting of Successor Application necessary?
No posting is necessary if the will provides for the successor to be appointed, however
need to file an affidavit signed by successor attached to the application that states they are
not disqualified from serving as such.
Upon Resignation/ Death of First Executor
When do I need to re-post for an amended application?
Applicant or Appointee is different
Name of the Decedent is different
Type of administration is different- if posted as independent and amending to dependent,
do not need to re-post
Any material change in your amended application
Requirements when sole executor appointed seeks to serve as co-administrator with
successor appointee
Need limited partial renunciation to serve as sole in favor of serving as co-administrator
for so long as co is able and willing to serve
Requirements if first named executor does not want to or is not able to serve:
If the first listed executor does not want to or cannot serve, must file notarized declination
to serve
If the first listed executor will not or cannot sign declination, must serve first executor
with application, declination and file return of service
Uncontested Heirships
Who needs to attend the hearing?
Two disinterested witnesses with personal knowledge
Attorney of Record and
Attorney Ad Litem
Do the two disinterested witnesses have to attend the hearing?
If one or both witnesses live in another state, are elderly or have some other serious issue
with attending the hearing, you may file a deposition on written questions covering the
necessary testimony, the deposition on written questions must comply with code 51.203.
However, the court prefers live testimony, so this will only be approved if there in fact is
no other persons that can testify to the necessary facts
Necessary Language in Order (if applicable) that is often left out:
This Court has jurisdiction and venue over this estate- reason why.
No state, governmental agency of the state or charitable organization is named by the
Will as a devisee.
That four years have not elapsed since the date of Decedent’s death.
That there are no unpaid debts owing by this Estate, exclusive of any debt secured by
liens on real estate.
Decedent did not apply for or receive Medicaid benefits on or after March 1, 2005.
Dependent Administration
When will the Court require a dependent administrator vs. an independent?
If the Decedent had minor children and separate property in the estate, the court will not
grant an independent administration.
Can I apply for a dependent administration without an heirship/probate of will
Typically, this court does not set hearings on dependent administrations without an
heirship application having been filed unless there exists an urgent matter (such as a
foreclosure proceeding having been filed) which provides a necessity for immediate
appointment of an administrator.
Be sure to include any facts that support an urgent need to appoint an administrator in
your application.
If you obtain court approval to move forward on the administration without completing
the heirship you will need to notice all known heirs of the hearing on the administration.
Independent Administration
When will the court grant an independent administration in an heirship?
When there are no minor children heirs, and all determined heirs/ beneficiaries have
signed waivers and consents to the independent administration
Judgment Determining Heirs
If Heir predeceased decedent- list descendants of that heir
If Heir dies after decedent, but before heirship completed- list that heir’s “estate” as heir