A few things you need to know
before buying or selling a home
in Nevada.
State of Nevada
Department of Business & Industry
Real Estate Division
Nevada Real Estate Division
Published pursuant to NRS 645.194 by the Nevada Real Estate Division in both
electronic and hardcopy formats.
©2006-2014 Nevada Real Estate Division, Department of Business & Industry,
State of Nevada. All rights reserved.
The Department of Business and IndustryNevada Real Estate
Division has developed this booklet to increase consumer awareness and
understanding of disclosures that may be required by a buyer or seller
during the sale or purchase of a residential property in the State of
In almost every real estate transaction, some form of written disclosure
is required. For example, real estate licensees must disclose if they are
related to a party in the transaction or affiliated with the lender involved
in approving the loan for that particular transaction. Sellers, for instance,
are responsible for disclosing material facts, data and other information
relating to the property they are attempting to sell. And buyers, in some
cases, must disclose if they are choosing to waive their 10-day
opportunity to conduct a risk assessment of lead hazards.
These are only a few examples of what must be disclosed during a real
estate transaction. While it is not possible to outline which disclosures
are needed in every situation, as each real estate transaction is unique,
this booklet contains discussions on the most commonly required state,
federal and local disclosures.
References to real estate licensees and the sale of
residential properties in this booklet apply only to the state of Nevada.
This guide, however, does not specifically address vacant land or
commercial properties.
We hope that you will find this booklet helpful and that
it becomes a valuable resource during your real estate transaction. For
more information, please visit our website at http://red.nv.gov.
3300 W Sahara Ave.
Suite 350
Ph: (702) 486-4033
Nevada Real Estate Division
1818 E. College Pkwy
Suite 110
Ph: (775) 684-1900
Website: http://red.nv.gov
This booklet is state-issued and may
not be modified or altered in any way.
It may be reproduced as needed and
downloaded for printing from:
First reprint: January 2007
Second reprint: April 2008
Third reprint: August 2010
Fourth reprint: October 2011
Fifth reprint: November 2011
Sixth reprint: June 2014
Seventh reprint: October 2015
Table of Contents
State Disclosures
Common-Interest Communities and
Condominium Hotels ................................................ 4
Consent to Act ....................................................... .8
Construction Defects .............................................. .9
Duties Owed By a Nevada Real Estate Licensee ........... 10
Impact Fees ........................................................... 12
Lien for Deferred Taxes ........................................... 13
Manufactured Housing
Used Manufactured/Mobile Homes ........................ 14
Manufactured Home Parks ................................... 15
Open Range Disclosure ............................................ 16
Private Transfer Fee Obligation ................................. 18
Seller’s Real Property Disclosure ............................... 19
Water & Sewer Rates .............................................. 22
Federal/Local/Miscellaneous Disclosures
Lead-Based Paint .................................................... 23
Pool Safety & Drowning Prevention ........................... 24
Airport Noise .......................................................... 25
Building & Zoning Codes .......................................... 25
Environmental Hazards............................................ 25
Gaming (Initial Purchaser in New Construction Only) ... 26
Home Inspections ................................................... 26
Military Activities .................................................... 27
Licensee Disclosures ............................................... 27
Road Maintenance District ........................................ 27
Soil Report (New Construction Only) ......................... 28
Contact Information ..................................................... 30
Acknowledgement Form ............................................... 31
Common-Interest Communities
and Condominium Hotels
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the information statement required when
purchasing a home or unit in a common-interest
community or a condominium hotel is to make the buyer
aware of all rights, obligations and other aspects related
to owning a unit within a common-interest community
(also known as a homeowner’s association) or a
condominium hotel. The statement makes buyers aware
that use of their units can be restricted by the Declaration
or CC&R’s. It also alerts buyers that foreclosure of the
unit is possible for failure to pay assessments.
Who must provide the disclosure?
The seller must, at seller’s expense, provide an
information statement with the sale of any unit within a
common-interest community or condominium hotel. The
statement is entitled “BEFORE YOU PURCHASE PROPERTY
When is it due?
In a transaction requiring a public offering statement
(further detailed below), the information statement is part
of the public offering statement and is due no later than
the date an offer to purchase becomes binding on the
buyer. If the unit has not been inspected by the buyer,
the buyer will have 5 calendar days to cancel the contract
from the date of execution.
In a resale transaction, the information statement is part
of the resale package. A buyer has 5 calendar days to
cancel the contract after receipt of the resale package. It
is good practice to provide the information statement no
later than 5 days before the contract becomes binding on
the buyer in any type of transaction.
5 State
Continued from previous page
Common-Interest Communities
and Condominium Hotels
(Continued on next page…)
Additional Information
Public Offering Statement
If the property is a new unit in a common-interest
community or a condominium hotel, or if the community
is subject to any developmental rights, or contains
converted buildings or contains units which may be in a
time share, or is registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, the buyer must also be provided
with a Public Offering Statement disclosing applicable
information, including:
- development rights of contractors
- construction schedule
- description of proposed improvements
- mechanical & electrical installations
- initial or special fees
- number & identity of units in timeshare
Unless the buyer has personally inspected the unit, the
buyer may cancel the contract to purchase, by written
notice, until midnight of the fifth calendar day following
the date of execution of the contract. This provision must
be stated in the contract.
Resale Package
In transactions involving the resale of a unit previously
sold by the developer, a resale package must be provided
to the buyer at the expense of the seller. In addition to
the information statement, the resale package includes
the following: the declaration, bylaws, rules and
regulations, monthly assessments, unpaid assessments of
any kind, current operating budget, financial statement,
reserve summary, unsatisfied judgments, and status of
any pending legal actions.
Continued from previous page
Common-Interest Communities
and Condominium Hotels
(Continued from previous page…)
Transfer Fees
Do not pertain to Condominium Hotels
The resale package for a home or unit in a common-
interest community must also include a statement of any
transfer fees, transaction fees or any other fees
associated with the resale of a unit.
Unpaid Obligations
Do not pertain to Condominium Hotels
The resale package for a home or unit in a common-
interest community must also include a statement from
the association setting forth the amount of the monthly
assessment for common expenses and any unpaid
obligations that are due from the selling unit’s owner,
including management fees, transfer fees, fines, penalties,
interest, collection costs, foreclosure fees and attorney’s
fee. Please be advised that while the resale package
includes this information, changes to the law in 2013 no
longer allow a seller or buyer to rely on this statement as
accurate. The seller must obtain a “statement of demand”
which is separate from the resale package.
Delivery of Resale Package
An association or hotel unit owner has 10 days to provide
the resale package after a request. If the documents are
not provided within 10 days the buyer is not liable for any
delinquent assessment. The resale package should be
delivered as soon as practicable. Unless the buyer has
accepted conveyance of the unit, the buyer may cancel
the contract to purchase, by written notice, until midnight
of the fifth calendar day following receipt of the resale
package. This provision must be stated in the contract.
7 State
Common-Interest Communities
and Condominium Hotels
Statement of Demand
Does not pertain to Condominium Hotels
The statement of fees and assessments in the resale
package may not be relied upon. It is necessary for any
seller to purchase a statement of demand from the
association and provide it to the buyer. The statement of
demand may be requested by the unit owner, his or her
representative or the holder of a security interest on the
unit. A statement of demand from the association sets
forth the current outstanding assessments, fees and
unpaid obligations, including foreclosure fees and
attorney’s fees due from the seller. The statement of
demand remains effective for the period specified in the
demand which must not be less than 15 business days
from the date of delivery by the association to the seller.
The association may provide a corrected statement of
demand prior to the sale. Payment of the amount set
forth in the statement of demand constitutes full payment
of the amount due from the seller.
[NRS 116 governs Common-Interest Communities;
NRS 116B governs Condominium Hotels]
For more information:
Form: Before You Purchase Property in a Common-Interest Community Did
You Know... Or Before You Purchase Property in a Condominium Hotel
Did You Know...
Website: http://red.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/rednvgov/Content/Forms/584.pdf
or http://red.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/rednvgov/Content/Forms/584a.pdf
NRS: 116.4101-116.412; NAC: 116.151, 116.465, 116.470
NRS: 116B.725-116B.795; NAC: 116B.500-116B.530
Consent to Act
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the Consent to Act form is for the licensee to
obtain the written consent to act for more than one party in a
Who must provide the disclosure?
The licensee must provide this form to all parties in the
transaction if he seeks to act for more than one party.
When is it due?
If a licensee makes such a disclosure, the consent must be
obtained from all parties before the licensee may continue to
act in his capacity as an agent.
Additional Information
The written consent must include:
1. A description of the real estate transaction;
2. A statement that the licensee is acting for two or more
parties to the transaction and that, in acting for these
parties, the licensee has a conflict of interest;
3. A statement that the licensee will not disclose any
confidential information for 1 year after the revocation or
termination of the brokerage agreement unless he is
required to do so per court order or he is given written
permission by that party;
4. A statement that a party is not required to consent to the
licensee acting on his behalf;
5. A statement that the party is giving his consent without
coercion and understands the terms of the consent given.
For more information:
Form: Consent to Act
Website: http://red.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/rednvgov/Content/Forms/524.pdf
NRS: 645.252-254
9 State
Construction Defects
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of disclosures relating to construction defects
is to make the buyer aware of any construction defects in
the property.
Who must provide the disclosure?
If there is a construction defect, the contractor must
disclose the information in understandable language that
is underlined and in bold-faced type with capital letters. If
the property is or has been the subject of a construction
defect claim or lawsuit, the seller must provide the
following information to the buyer:
- copies of all notices given to contractor
- expert opinions obtained by claimant
- terms of settlement or order of judgment
- detailed report of all repairs
When is it due?
Construction defects must be disclosed to the buyer
before purchase of the residence. If the property is or has
been the subject of a defect claim or lawsuit, the
information must be disclosed 30 days before close of
escrow, or if escrow is less than 30 days, then
immediately upon signing the sales agreement. If a claim
is made while in escrow, the disclosure must be made
within 24 hours of notice of complaint.
Additional Information
If the property is located within a common-interest
community and is the subject of a defect claim or lawsuit,
this information must be disclosed in the buyer’s resale
package (see Common-Interest Communities).
For more information:
NRS: 40.640, 40.688
Duties Owed By a
Nevada Real Estate Licensee
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the Duties Owed form is to make the
buyer or seller aware of obligations owed by a real estate
licensee to all parties involved in the transaction.
Who must provide the disclosure?
A licensee who acts as an agent in a real estate
transaction must disclose to each party for whom the
licensee is acting as an agent and any unrepresented
party all duties owed to the parties and the licensee’s
relationship as an agent to each party in the transaction.
When is it due?
The disclosure form must be presented to the client before
any documents are signed by the client.
Additional Information
A Nevada licensee who has entered into a brokerage
agreement to represent a client in a real estate
transaction shall:
1. Exercise reasonable skill and care to carry out the
terms of the brokerage agreement and the licensee’s
duties in the brokerage agreement;
2. Not disclose, except to the licensee’s broker,
confidential information relating to a client for 1 year
after the revocation or termination of the brokerage
agreement, unless licensee is required to do so by
court order or the client gives written permission;
3. Seek a sale, purchase, option, rental or lease of real
property at the price and terms stated in the brokerage
agreement or at a price acceptable to the client;
4. Present all offers made to or by the client as soon as
practicable, unless the client chooses to waive the duty
of the licensee to present all offers and signs a waiver
of the duty on a form prescribed by the Division;
11 State
Duties Owed By a
Nevada Real Estate Licensee
5. Disclose to the client material facts of which the
licensee has knowledge concerning the real estate
6. Advise the client to obtain advice from an expert
relating to matters which are beyond the expertise of
the licensee; and
7. Account to the client for all money and property the
licensee receives in which the client may have an
Waiver of Duty to Present All Offers
Authorization to Negotiate Directly with Seller
A client may choose to waive the broker’s duty to present
all offers by signing a waiver on a form, the “Waiver
Form,” prescribed by the Division. Concurrent with the
option of a client to waive the duty of his/her broker to
present all offers is the form “Authorization to Negotiate
Directly with Seller,” which gives permission in writing to
authorize a licensee to negotiate a sale or lease directly
with a seller. Both forms must be utilized and signed by a
client who waives the duty to present all offers.
Otherwise, a licensee for a buyer does not have the
permission of the seller’s broker to present offers or
negotiate with the sellers directly.
For more information:
Form: Duties Owed By a Nevada Real Estate Licensee
Website: http://red.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/rednvgov/Content/Forms/525.pdf
NRS: 645.193; 645.252-645.254
Impact Fees
Purpose of Disclosure
The seller of any property must give notice of any impact
fees that may be imposed upon the buyer.
An impact fee is a charge imposed by a local government
on new development (i.e., the construction,
reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, alteration,
relocation or enlargement of any structure which
increases the number of service units) to finance some of
the costs attributable to the new development.
Who must provide the disclosure?
A seller who has knowledge of the impact fee must give
written notice to the buyer, including the amount of the
impact fee and the name of the local government
imposing the fee.
When is it due?
The notice must be provided to the buyer before the
property is conveyed.
Additional Information
If the seller fails to give this notice, the seller is liable to
the buyer for the amount of the impact fee.
For more information:
NRS: 278B.320
13 State
Lien for Deferred Taxes
Purpose of Disclosure
If there are deferred taxes that have not been paid at the
time the property is sold or transferred, the buyer must
be notified in writing that there is a lien for deferred taxes
on the property.
Who must provide the disclosure?
The seller must notify the buyer of the lien.
When is it due?
The lien must be disclosed at the time the property is sold
or transferred.
Additional Information
The owner of the property on the date the deferred taxes
become due is liable for the deferred taxes.
For more information:
NRS: 361A.290
Manufactured Housing
Used Manufactured/Mobile Homes
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the Used Manufactured/Mobile Home
disclosure is to make the buyer aware that a used
manufactured or mobile home that has not been
converted to real property is personal property and
subject to personal property taxes.
Who must provide the disclosure?
The real estate licensee shall provide the form to the
purchaser as soon as practicable, but before title is
Additional Information
This disclosure also informs the purchaser that title will
not pass unless the county assessor’s endorsement is
placed on the face of the title, verifying that taxes have
been paid in full.
The disclosure also instructs the consumer to submit
certain documents to Nevada’s Manufactured Housing
Division and the county assessor within 45 days after the
sale is complete and before a certificate of ownership will
be issued.
For more information:
Form: Used Manufactured/Mobile Home Disclosure
Website: Manufactured Housing Division
NRS: 645.258, 489.521, 489.531, 489.541
15 State
Manufactured Housing
Manufactured Home Parks
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the disclosure relating to placing or buying
a manufactured or mobile home in a manufactured home
park is to make the buyer aware that he may be subject
to approval by the landlord of the manufactured home
park if the manufactured or mobile home will remain in
the park.
Who must provide the disclosure?
If the landlord requires approval of a prospective buyer
and tenant, the landlord must post a sign which is clearly
readable at the entrance of the park which advises
consumers that before a manufactured home in the park
is sold, the buyer and tenant must be approved by the
Additional Information
If the property will remain in the manufactured home
park, make sure you have a lease agreement with the
park manager and that you know the park's rules and
Remember: the seller or a manufactured home dealer
cannot promise that you'll be accepted as a tenant in a
particular manufactured home park. You must apply for
the lease yourself and should do so before finalizing the
purchase of your home. The landlord must approve or
deny a completed application from a prospective buyer
and tenant within 10 days after the date the application is
For more information:
Website: Manufactured Housing DivisionPlacing or Buying Your Home in a
Rental Community
NRS: 118B.170
Open Range Disclosure
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the Open Range Disclosure is to inform
the prospective buyer of a home or an improved or
unimproved lot adjacent to open range that livestock
are permitted to graze or roam on the property. Open
range means all unenclosed land outside of cities and
towns upon which cattle, sheep or other domestic
animals by custom, license, lease or permit are grazed
or permitted to roam. It also serves to inform the
prospective buyer that the parcel may be subject to
county or State claims of right-of-way, (commonly
referred to as R.S. 2477 rights-of-way) including rights
-of-way that may be unrecorded, undocumented or
unsurveyed; and used by miners, ranchers, hunters or
others, for access or recreational use, in a manner
which interferes with the use and enjoyment of the
Who must provide the disclosure?
A seller must disclose, in writing, to a potential buyer
of property adjacent to open range, that livestock
grazing on the open range are permitted to enter the
property; and that the parcel may be subject to county
or State claims of right-of-way.
When is it due?
The disclosure must be provided to the potential buyer,
with the requirement that the buyer sign the disclosure
form acknowledging the date of receipt of the original
disclosure document, before the sales agreement is
17 State
Open Range Disclosure
Additional Information
The disclosure acknowledges fencing the property to keep
livestock out and recognizes the property owner’s
entitlement to damages if livestock enter a fenced
property but warns against harming roaming livestock
even on a fenced property.
The law requires that the seller retain a copy of the
disclosure document that has been signed by the buyer
acknowledging the date of receipt of the document,
provide a copy to the buyer, and record the original
disclosure document containing the buyer’s signature and
the seller’s notarized signature in the office of the county
recorder in the county where the property is located.
For more information:
Form: Open Range Disclosure
Website: http://red.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/rednvgov/Content/Forms/551.pdf
NRS: 113.065; 568.355
Private Transfer Fee Obligation
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the disclosure is to make the buyer aware
that the property is subject to a Private Transfer Fee
Obligation (PTFO) which will require the buyer, upon
conveyance of the property by the seller, to pay either a
one-time fixed amount or a one-time percentage of the
purchase price to a third party payee.
Who Must Provide the Disclosure?
The seller of a property that is subject to a PTFO must
provide the disclosure as a written statement that discloses
the existence of and describes the PTFO, and includes
language substantially similar to the legislatively-prescribed
notice informing the buyer that the PTFO may lower the
value of the property and that the laws of this State prohibit
the enforcement of certain PTFOs created on or after May
20, 2011.
When is it due?
The disclosure must be provided to the potential buyer
before the conveyance of the property.
Additional Information
The notice regarding the existence of a PTFO in the seller’s
disclosure must be in substantially the following form:
A private transfer fee obligation has been created with
respect to this property. The private transfer fee obligation
may lower the value of this property. The laws of this State
prohibit the enforcement of certain private transfer fee
obligations that are created on or after May 20, 2011 and
impose certain notice requirements with respect to private
transfer fee obligations that were created before May 20,
For more information:
NRS: 111.825-111.880
19 State
Seller’s Real Property Disclosure
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the Seller’s Real Property Disclosure form is
to make the buyer aware of the overall condition of the
property before it is transferred. This disclosure is not a
guarantee nor does it take the place of an inspection. In
some cases a Seller has never lived on the property and may
have no knowledge of the condition of the property. The
Buyer is advised to obtain an independent inspection
performed by a properly licensed home inspector. This form
is not required for new home sales.
Who must provide the disclosure?
The seller must complete the “Seller’s Real Property
Disclosure” form, detailing the condition of the property,
known defects, and any other aspects of the property which
may affect its use or value. A real estate licensee, unless he
is the seller of the property, may not complete this form.
The form must be fully and properly completed. If the seller
has no knowledge,nois an appropriate answer to the “Are
you awarequestions. Each question must be answered
with a mark in the correspondingyes”, “no” or in some
casesn/a” box. Explanations of any “yesanswers, and a
properly executed signature by the seller, are also required.
The buyer may only sign the form after full and proper
completion by the seller.
A Buyer may rescind the contract without penalty if he does
not receive a fully and properly completed Seller’s Real
Property Disclosure form. If a Buyer closes a transaction
without a completed form or if a known defect is not
disclosed to a Buyer, the Buyer may be entitled to treble
damages, unless the Buyer waives his rights under NRS
(Continued on next page…)
Seller’s Real Property Disclosure
When is it due?
The disclosure must be delivered to the buyer at least 10
days prior to conveyance of the property.
Additional Information
The content of the disclosure is based on what the seller is
aware of at the time. If, after completion of the
disclosure form, the seller discovers a new defect or
notices that a previously disclosed condition has
worsened, the seller must inform the purchaser, in
writing, as soon as practicable after discovery of the
condition, or before conveyance of the property.
The buyer may not waive, and the seller may not require
a buyer to waive, any of the requirements of the
disclosure as a condition of sale or for any other purpose.
In a sale or intended sale by foreclosure, the trustee and
the beneficiary of the deed of trust shall provide, not later
than the conveyance of the property to, or upon request
from, the buyer:
written notice of any defects of which the trustee or
beneficiary is aware; and
the contact information of any asset management
company who provided asset management services, if
any defects are repaired or replaced or attempted to
be repaired or replaced. The asset management
company shall provide a service report to the
purchaser upon request.
(Continued from previous page…)
21 State
Seller’s Real Property Disclosure
If a Seller requests a Buyer to waive his rights or legal
remedies under NRS 113.150 or otherwise, the Buyer
should contact an attorney for advice regarding the legal
consequences. A real estate licensee cannot explain the
legal consequences of waiving a Buyer’s legal rights or
For more information:
Form: Seller’s Real Property Disclosure
Website: http://red.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/rednvgov/Content/Forms/547.pdf
NRS: 113.130; 113.140; 113.150
Water & Sewer Rates
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the disclosure relating to water and sewer
rates is to inform the buyer of a previously unsold home
or improved lot of public utility rates when service is for
more than 25 but fewer than 2,000 customers.
Who must provide the disclosure?
The seller must post a notice, which shows the current or
projected rates, in a conspicuous place on the property.
When is it due?
The notice must be posted and a copy provided to the
buyer before the home is sold.
Additional Information
The notice must contain the name, address and telephone
number of the public utility and the Division of Consumer
Complaint Resolution of the Public Utilities Commission of
For more information:
NRS: 113.060
23 Federal
Lead-Based Paint
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the lead-based paint disclosure is to make
the buyer aware that the residential property
(if built prior to 1978) may present exposure to lead.
Who must provide the disclosure?
Federal law requires that the seller disclose any known
presence of lead-based paint hazards and provide the
buyer with the EPA disclosure booklet, “Protect Your
Family From Lead in Your Home,” along with any other
available records and/or reports.
When is it due?
The disclosure is on a federally prescribed form and must
be made as a condition of the sale before conveyance of
the property.
Additional Information
On the disclosure form, the buyer must acknowledge
receipt of the EPA disclosure booklet and copies of lead
reports, if available. Additionally, the buyer will receive a
10-day opportunity to conduct a risk assessment or may
choose to waive this opportunity.
For more information:
Form: Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint
Website: Environmental Protection Agency (Lead)
Phone: National Lead Information Center 1-800-424-LEAD
Pool Safety and Drowning
Prevention Disclosure
Purpose of Disclosure
The purpose of the Southern Nevada Health District’s pool
safety and drowning prevention disclosure is to make the
buyer aware of the risk of death by drowning in private and
public pools particularly for children 4 years or younger.
Who must provide the disclosure?
The information is provided by the Nevada Real Estate
Division (NRED) in agreement with the Southern Nevada
Health District (SNHD) to promote SNHD’s efforts to inform
the public on drowning prevention.
When is it due?
The disclosure will be provided to the buyer before the sales
agreement is signed by way of the Residential Disclosure
Guide in which it is contained. The buyer is advised to visit
SNHD’s website:
Additional Information
Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury death in
Clark County for children four years of age and under. The
majority of drowning deaths occur in the family pool.
Preventable mistakes include leaving a child unattended near
a body of water in which a child’s nose and mouth can be
More information on drowning facts, preventable mistakes,
how to be prepared to prevent a drowning, pool security,
drowning statistics, adult supervision and more can be
obtained at SNHD’s website at http://
drowning-prevention.php and
25 Local/Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous Disclosures
Depending upon the transaction, the following disclosures may also
be required from a buyer, seller or licensee:
Buyers should investigate the impact of airport flight
paths and the noise levels at different times of the day
over that property.
The purpose of the building and zoning disclosure is to
inform the buyer of transportation beltways and/or
planned or anticipated land use within proximity of the
subject property of which the seller has knowledge.
For more information on building and zoning codes, contact your
local jurisdiction.
Although the seller is required to disclose the presence of
environmental hazards, a statement that the seller is not
aware of a defect or hazard does not mean that it does
not exist. It is the buyer’s responsibility to be
informed and take additional steps to further
investigate. Some potential hazards that may be found
in Nevada include:
Radon (www.epa.gov/radon)
Floods (http://www.floodsmart.gov)
Methamphetamine Labs (NRS 40.770 & 489.776)
Wood-Burning Devices (http://www.epa.gov/iaq/
(Continued on next page…)
Miscellaneous Disclosures
Underground Storage Tanks (http://epa.gov/
Septic Systems (http://water.epa.gov/
Wells (http://water.epa.gov/drink/info/well/
Land and Cleanup (http://www2.epa.gov/learn-
Groundwater (http://water.epa.gov/drink/
Public Pools & Spas (http://www.poolsafely.gov/)
Molds and Moisture (http://www.epa.gov/mold/)
For more information on environmental hazards, visit:
Initial Purchaser in New Construction Only
If there is a gaming district near the property, the seller
must disclose information which includes a copy of the
most recent gaming enterprise district map, the location
of the nearest gaming enterprise district, and notice that
the map is subject to change. This disclosure is required
for Nevada counties with population over 400,000.
The information must be provided at least 24 hours before
the seller signs the sales agreement. The buyer may
waive the 24-hour period.
The seller must retain a copy of the disclosure.
For more information on gaming, see: NRS 113.080
(Continued from previous page…)
27 Local/Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous Disclosures
When obtaining an FHA-insured loan, this disclosure
informs the buyer about the limits of the Federal Housing
Administration appraisal inspection and suggests the
buyer obtain a home inspection to evaluate the physical
condition of the property prior to purchase. The form is
entitled, “For Your Protection: Get a Home Inspection.”
For more information on FHA home inspections, visit:
The purpose of the Military Activities Disclosure is to make
the purchaser of residential property aware of planned or
anticipated military activity within the proximity of the
property. Counties in which the military files Military
Activities Plans include Clark County, Washoe County,
Churchill County and Mineral County.
For more information on military activities plans in these
counties, contact the local municipal jurisdiction or the
Public Information Officer of the Military Installation in
your county.
In addition to the “Consent to Act” and the “Duties Owed
by a Nevada Real Estate Licensee” forms (see pages 8 &
10), a real estate licensee is required to disclose other
information such as his relationship to one or more parties
in the transaction and/or having a personal interest in the
For more information regarding duties and disclosures owed by a
licensee, see: NRS 645.252-645.254, NAC 645.637 and NAC
(Continued on next page…)
SOIL REPORT (New Construction Only)
If the property has not been occupied by the buyer more
than 120 days before completion, the seller must give
notice of any soil report prepared for the property or for
the subdivision in which the property is located.
The seller must provide such notice upon signing the sales
Upon receiving the notice, the buyer must submit a
written request within 5 days for a copy of the actual
report. The seller must provide a free report to the buyer
within 5 days of receiving such request.
Upon receiving the soil report, the buyer has 20 days to
rescind the sales agreement. This rescission right may be
waived, in writing, by the buyer.
For more information, see: NRS 113.135.
(Continued from previous page…)
Miscellaneous Disclosures
Nevada Real Estate Division (LV)
3300 W Sahara Avenue, Suite 350
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: (702) 486-4033
Fax: (702) 486-4275
Website: http://red.nv.gov
Nevada Real Estate Division (CC)
1818 E. College Parkway, Suite 110
Carson City, NV 89706-7986
Phone: (775) 684-1900
Fax: (775) 687-4868
Website: http://red.nv.gov
Manufactured Housing
Division (LV)
3300 W Sahara Avenue, Suite 320
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: (702) 486-4135
Fax: (702) 486-4309
Website: http://mhd.nv.gov
Manufactured Housing
Division (CC)
1830 E. College Pkwy., #120
Carson City, Nevada 89706
Phone: (775) 684-2940
Fax: (775) 684-2949
Website: http://mhd.nv.gov
Ombudsman Office
(Common-Interest Communities)
3300 W Sahara Avenue, Suite 325
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: (702) 486-4480
Toll Free: (877) 829-9907
Fax: (702) 486-4520
Website: http://red.nv.gov/cic/
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: (202) 272-0167
Website: www.epa.gov
National Lead Information Center
422 South Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620
Phone: (800) 424-LEAD
Fax: (585) 232-3111
Website: http://www2.epa.gov/lead/forms/lead-
Department of Health and Human
Services Center for Disease Control &
1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
Website: www.cdc.gov
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (301) 504-7923
Fax: (301) 504-0124
Website: www.cpsc.gov
Contact Information
Nevada Real Estate Division
October 2015 622
Nevada Real Estate Division
State of Nevada
Department of
Business & Industry
Real Estate Division
I/We acknowledge that I/we have received a copy of the
Residential Disclosure Guide.
DATE ____________________
ClientPrint Name
ClientPrint Name
Make copy of page for additional signatures.
Retain original or copy in each transaction file.
Nevada Real Estate Division
October 2015 622